• 10 Resources for a Botany Homeschool Study | ReneeatGreatPeace.com #ihsnet #homeschool #science #botany
    Blog,  Homeschool

    10 Resources for Teaching Botany in Homeschool

    Botany, the study of plants. One of the sciences that often gets overlooked. Sometimes this is due to botany being studied inside a greater biology study while other times it’s due to interests. There are some who simply feel that they have no ability to grow plants successfully, therefore they choose to not endeavor into Botany science.    This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites.   But, plants live all around us. From the grassy areas around our homes, to the trees, ferns, and flowers that line the path at the local park we visit. All one needs to do to study plants is open their eyes…

  • 10 Fun STEM Experiments that You Can Do Today - Great Peace Academy #homeschool #ihsnet #science #STEM
    Blog,  Homeschool

    10 Fun STEM Experiments that You Can Do Today

    Children have a natural curiosity. And, STEM experiments allow a child to explore their curiosities in hands-on ways. It takes learning out of the textbooks and puts it in the forefront of a child’s mind. Asking a simple question and allowing a child to hypothesize the answer ignites a sense of curiosity.  By asking a simple question and allowing a child to hypothesize the answer you can ignite that sense of curiosity. Through experimentation, they learn to answer their own questions and discover results. It’s a simple way to teach the scientific method.  I’ve gathered 10 fun STEM experiments that can do today using simple items found around your home…

  • 10 Online Coding Resources for Kids to learn to Code | #homeschool #ihsnet | GreatPeaceAcademy.com

    10 Online Coding Resources for Kids to Learn Computer Code

    The digital age is here and we need to be preparing our kids to speak the language of computing, coding. Most likely, whether we’ve taught it to them or not, they have a decent understanding of it all by just being around computers their entire lives.  Looking forward to their adulthood we must recognize that computers, and coding of computers will play a very important role in their ability to hold and keep a job. With computers being used from everything from point of sale, to scheduling apps, personal files, photo storage, to automotive computerized systems. The reality is that regardless of what profession someone may intend to go into, computers…

  • Love Science? Super Science Items to Consider for your Homeschool | GreatPeaceAcademy.com #ihsnet

    Homeschool with Super Science Resources

    Love Science?    One of my favorite times of the year as a homeschooler is back to homeschool time. I just love stocking up on school supplies like, Ticondaroga pencils, all sharpened with fresh erasers on the ends, pristine new spiral or composition notebooks, binders and dividers. I love having on hand brand new text books organized and ready to educate my child for the year. I’ve gathered together some super science items for you to consider for your homeschooling year.  This post contains affiliate links to 3rd party sites where products purchased may result in paid compensation to this blogger. Homeschool Super Science Items to Consider     Physical Products…

  • Ideas for Teaching STEM utilizing a 3d Pen in Homeschool | GreatPeaceAcademy.com

    Ideas for Teaching STEM utilizing a 3d Pen in Homeschool

    My son is fascinated by all things STEM, throw in art and he’s over the moon excited. Which is why I’ve been working to figure out how to utilize a 3D pen in homeschool to encourage his active mind to explore STEM in many aspects.  No doubt my son is fascinated by engineering, which means that science, technology and math are at the forefront of his mind throughout the day. Oh, he’s not specifically separating out those various fields in his mind, to him, all are necessary when engineering anything. Take Da Vinci for example. His notebooks contain hundreds of sketches that encompass science, technology, engineering and math in all of…

  • Use Visual Memory to Memorize the Periodic Table thumbnail
    Homeschool,  Reviews

    A Visual Exploration for How to Memorize the Periodic Table

    I can remember back to junior high school when I took earth science from Mrs. Garrett. One of the lessons we worked through was an introduction to the periodic table of elements. Mrs. Garrett diligently divided the table into their appropriate categories and assigned us memorization work for each segment. It was hard. Now, don’t get me wrong. Mrs. Garrett was a good teacher and I remember her fondly throughout my schooling years, as she was the homeroom teacher for my class and in our small rural area our school was a combined junior and senior high school. So I had her for several classes. She was a good teacher who…

  • 4 Books for Homeschool Libraries from DK Books. | Great Peace Academy.com

    4 Books for Homeschool Libraries

    I’m a book junkie. Most homeschool moms that I know are too. So, when I was given an opportunity to join the DK Books Blog team I was super thrilled! It means I get to review, great DK Books and share my own thoughts and opinions with you, tell you about books which I think you might find to be valuable benefit to your homeschool or family, and expand my homeschool library at the same time.  This post contains affiliate ad links to external sites where products may be purchased. I received review copies of each of the books for the sole purposes of reviewing the material. All opinions expressed…

  • Gifted Homeschool,  Homeschool

    Science Study for Gifted Students

    Overview of Survival on the Reef My favorite resource for gifted and advanced learning materials is Prufrock Press. So, I was thrilled as a reviewer and affiliate marketer when I was given a free copy of Survival on the Reef by Colleen Kessler in exchange for my honest review. At Great Peace Academy we are spending our school year exploring the animals that live in the waters of the earth. Because of that, I feelSurvival on the Reefis an excellent resource for my son who is a gifted learner to dive in and explore more information than is generally presented in text books. This activity book guides students in scientific…