• How to Offer Homeschool Field Trips the Virtual Way | GreatPeaceAcademy.com #ihsnet
    Homeschool,  Reviews

    How to Offer Homeschool Field Trips the Virtual Way

    I love a good field trip! Field trips have been a staple of homeschools for many years. Field trips can be one of the best ways to broaden learning and open up minds to more knowledge, and possibilities. That’s the fun thing, because it’s during a field trip that a child can see beyond what they know to think about what might be possible. For example, we recently toured Mt. Rushmore. When we were walking through the museum we discovered that President Thomas Jefferson had expansive knowledge. In addition to being the author of the Declaration of Independence, he was also was an horticulturist, philosopher, mathematician, and architect. My son, has long…