Teaching Servitude
Sometimes it’s hard to find the right place for Little Man to serve others. His emotional excitability makes it difficult for me to find just the right niche. I previously read “Cindy Colley on Homeschooling” which I reviewed about a month ago. But, while reading it I was inspired to connect with the other 2 homeschooling families at our congregation and host a senior women’s luncheon. Well actually, the kids are hosting the luncheon the mom’s are just steering the ship so to speak.
As a homeschool mom but more importantly as a Christian I know that I can’t wait around to be asked to help with something. Sometimes… when you see a need, you need to jump in with both feet and work to meet the need. Sometimes, you just have to set to the work and do it. Those are the kind of work ethics I want to teach Jonathan. That putting the needs of others above himself is far better than living a selfish life. Later today he will serve others. He will hold doors and carry plates, he will even read a poem. Not because he wants to (although secretly I think he’ll enjoy it) but because it is the right thing to do.
I plan to post some photo’s from the day, so watch for some updates…
Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.