The Distractible Teacher
We are really in the last wind down of the year. There are just a few more lessons in each othe the subjects to cover. I try to be sure to complete 9 months of learning as our stte requires a minimum number of hours. We do not have to submit the actual hours but I do have a plan which covers those hours and I try to complete the overall goal.
Because of the winding down mode I’m giving Little Man those dreaded worksheets. Yes, I know most hoemschooling moms are more progressive than worksheets. Yes, I know worksheets equal busy work and not necessarily learning work. But, let’s face it moms sometimes worksheet are necessary to show those people who look at our childrens work that we are in fact working. I know, I know, we can give lot’s of lists showing work done, we can hand over lapbooks and nature journals showing how involved we are in education. But when it comes to showing actual progression there is no thing better than a nice binder full of worksheets. So I’m letting Little Man work through some of those as we wind down the year.
Last week I posted about my messy classroom and how I just really wanted to get organized for next year. Today was the day that I got started. Or so I thought I’d get started. I had visions of cleaning out, purging and beginning the organization process. As I set to work, there was this power strip attached to the shelving in our room. It was there from a previous resident of the home. I had tried and tried to remove it, but it was bolted in and neither I or my husband could figure out how to remove it. I got aggressive! It simply stood out to me as in the way. So I figured out that it was bolted from inside the casing, I had to remove the casing to get to the bolt. Once that was accompllished I needed a tiny little lug wrenchy thingy to remove the bolt. Yes, I’m aware that probably is not the technical term for the tool I needed.
That dreaded mess again! |
A New Home for Magazines and Catalogues |
A New Home for Art Supplies |
Drats the laundry didn’t get done today and it’s Laundry Monday in my home. I had planned to make a fresh loaf of bread to go with dinner tonight, that did not happen. Oh, well. No one but me was expecting that anyway. The notch in the classroom organization is very tiny. BUT the progress to my husbands workshop is well on it’s way to being a productive part of our home. Just wait until he sees how organized it looks! 😉 wink, wink.
My great accomplishment for the day! |