This Week: Magellan Math
100 Mastery Skills Achieved in Math
We of course in Ohio had another cold, cold week. The temperatures have been hovering in the single digits and I’m hearing that next week may be even colder. We are currently as I’m writing this getting a snow storm, my husband is travelling to his next freelance job and Little Man and I are tucked in here at home with a wood burner and chicken soup to keep us warm. I’ve started making more hot tea for all of us and blankets are being used more and more. For my friends in the south complaining about being cold at 32 degrees. Stop it! LOL. I can’t imagine what it feels like north of us right now because this is cold cold cold.
In Bible this week he studied about how David was anointed to be the next king of Israel. We talked about how Samuel looked to the outward appearance of man and thought how the oldest son of Jesse should have been anointed but that God looks at the hearts of men. We talked about what that means for Jonathan’s life and that if he wants to be pleasing to God, he must seek Him with his whole heart, because God knows what is in his heart.
He also studied about King Saul’s sin when he allowed King Agag of the Amalekites to live defying God’s command. He learned that without obedience we do not honor God. That having a hear that thinks it knows more than God does is not only disobedient but subject to severe consequences. Thus, Saul lost his kingdom and we know that David would take his place because his heart was one that sought after God.
Somehow we had been overlooking literature and general reading for a while. So I set aside language arts for the week and told him to read. He progressed through “The Long Winter” hopefully by next week he will have it finished and he can begin another book. I want to give him a chance to explore reading for fun on his own, instead of it being an “assignment.” So I may just give him more time during school time to do just that.
In Khan Academy this week, Little Man earned a Magellan Badge. This badge indicates that he has earned mastery level in 100 unique skills. Given that he had to restart mastery level with the changes to the program that took place over the summer, that means he did this since September. He was so excited and I was very excited for him.
Continuing on with Primeval Reptiles he did a compare and contrast of the Leviathan that is mentioned several times in scripture with the whale and crocodile which modern scientists try to claim is what the leviathan was. However the descriptions simply do not bear out a close resemblance to either. In fact the very fact that they say either/or whale or crocodile should be enough to tell us that they do not compare. I mean does a whale or a crocodile look anything alike? NO. Really the two look nothing alike, so that in and of itself leaves a lot of doubt in my mind that modern scientists haven’t really a clue to what a leviathan was.
You can find some excellent articles at apologeticspress.com about the comparisons, and other information about sea creatures, dinosaurs and what modern scientist try to say about them. Simply do a search for “Leviathan” or “Dinosaur” and you will find a wealth of information. While you are over there, check out their Discovery Magazine for Kids, it is a science and faith magazine that has some excellent science resources written in fun kid friendly ways.
This week he began voice lessons. We are doing is every other week lessons, and on alternate weeks he has piano lessons. He found the vocal exercises to be funny and he giggled through most of it. That being said, he likes singing and once he gets used to warm ups I think this will be a great benefit to his musical abilities.
How was your Homeschool Week Mom? Share in comments, add your week in review blog link, or join the conversation on Facebook.
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I love the variety in your homeschool. Looks like a great way to feel accomplishment in math skills gained.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Hi Phyllis,
Thanks. Khan Academy is great and my son finds much encouragement along the way. 🙂
Heather F.
Looks like another great week! I don’t know about you, but I am so so so so so so done with winter. Last month my neck of the woods (Oregon) had record lows of 3 – that never happens – and this week we have record highs of 71 – which also never happens! Our ski resort hasn’t even opened this year because we’ve not had enough snow. It’s actually kind of worrisome because of summer fires. 🙁
Thank you for including the resource, Discovery Magazine for Kids! That looks awesome. When I have time, I’m totally checking that one out.
have a great week!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I agree. I’m ready for winter to be done! We have had cold and snow. Very few days without snow on the ground since November. It’s only January though, so I bet we are in for many more months like this.
Your welcome. I hope you find it to be beneficial to your family. They have a lot of great resources on that page.