This Week… Quiet Family Time
Lazy Summer Days At Great Peace Academy
This week the Lord has led us to some quiet times, which upon reflection I am grateful for. We started the week thinking there would be travel both for me and Beloved. But unforeseen circumstances has made it so that we are home. We haven’t really left home, except for Bible Study and a couple of quick trips into town for errands.
It has been wonderful, and has granted us as a family some much needed time to focus, re-energize and make some changes that we weren’t expecting.
First, for me personally my weekend travel plans were cancelled because the event I was to attend was cancelled. Then, unexpectedly on Tuesday I was asked to join the iHomeschool Network, which was a truly unexpected invitation and one I am thrilled about. So I spent some time getting my blogging plans organized, or at least trying to.
I have had some time to go through school work and finish up Little Man’s portfolio for assessment which is scheduled for next week. I have also been able to spend some time writing. Oh, how I love writing.
I did a little quick change into summer make-over in a corner of our bathroom. What do you think? I think it brightens it up a little.
I also enjoyed spending some time in the Word, The book of Ephesians is speaking to my heart this week.
For Beloved, a freelance job that was tentative did not come through. I think it was actually a blessing because we needed some time together as a family. He is offering the Sunday evening sermon tomorrow at our congregation, so he also has been blessed with the time to prep for that.
We as a family have had time together. I think whenever we can turn away from the distractions of the world and focus on each other, we are forming memories that will extend for years to come.
Little Man has enjoyed some time to focus on his favorite things. Such as, drawing, swinging and playing video games, specifically “Hotwheels, Battle Force 5.” But he also had 3 1/2 days of schooling this week, here is the line up.
“The Little House on the Prairie” by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Reading through 4 chapters, he has read about the dangers of fire on the prairie and how such an event impacts the lives of farmers. He has learned about the BIG snow that affected the Ingalls children during their Christmas holiday. He has read more about the Indians which lived near the Ingalls farm and about how Pa was away from home for work but Mr. Edwards checked on the family to make sure all was well.
Additionally, he has begun reading “The Knight at Dawn” by Mary Osborne Pope, the 2nd in The Magic Tree House Series, just for fun.
He’s learning about Metamorphosis and Incomplete metamorphosis. He journalled the changes that happen in the insects life from egg, hatching, and pulpal stages to fully grown adult stage. He went on a nature hunt for a chrysalis, which he did not find, but as his mom I’m not too sure about how much he was actually hunting for that.
Ok so we started math this week. But Little Man’s over-excitabilities kicked in and he quickly got frustrated. The reason? Well, it had been a while since he had worked on fractions, and he was doing a review but didn’t slow down to read the instructions and got a couple of answers wrong. Which, if you know anything about a gifted perfectionist is not his fault. Nope, he tried blaming the computer! Well, no amount of explanation on my part was going to work. So we did not get very far with math this week.
Family time…
We spent Thursday night playing Qwirkle. We love that game. It was neck and neck between Little Man and Myself until the very last tile was played and I took the lead. Mr. Beloved on the other hand was showing a bit of frustration. At one point, I got to laughing so hard, and then all three of us were laughing so hard that we just couldn’t seem to stop. That’s the way it should be in a family, so much laughter that you just can’t stop.
What was your week like? I’d love for you to link up below and let me know. Join me for a This Week in review blog hop.

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