This Week… Student Self Pacing
Slowing Down a Bit

This week at Great Peace Academy, following our week away in Cleveland last week, I decided to slowly ease back into a school routine. In fact, I’m encouraging Little Man to self pace his learning. I’ve given him some options to choose from. I know the options given will be educational but he has a measure of control over what and when he learns. We take very little time off through the academic year so sometimes allowing him to do this is a great motivator. We focused on key subjects this week rather than spreading out to a lot of topics.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products mentioned within context of the weeks work. I hope that if you are encouraged by what we are learning you will consider linking over and learning more about the products mentioned.
I switched to some New Testament learning for spring. We are giving a new Bible study curriculum a try. It’s called Growing Up in God’s Word, and we are doing Life of Christ part 2. Be sure to read the full review from earlier in the week. What I like is each lesson is designed to last a week and the teachers guide helps the student to dig in deep and really learn from God’s Word. You will be hearing more about this wonderful, new to the homeschool market material in my week in review posts.
I was blessed with some books recently by some families at our homeschool gym who share used curriculum. So to help encourage my son to develop a love for reading something more that non-fiction and reference books I am letting him read through some at his own pace. He finished this week Hubert Invents the Wheel. In fact, on Monday when we were leaving for gym class he asked if he could take it along! That is a huge step toward reading for entertainment! He finished the book by the end of the day. We are also working through Abeka’s: Worlds of Wonder so he can build up his reading comprehension skills.
As a Prufrock Press Blogger I received for a review a couple of weeks ago, Can You Count in Greek: Exploring Ancient Number Systems. When I opened the package and Little Man saw it, he grabbed it right up and began working through it. He’s taken it along in the car and is fascinated to learn the numbering systems of the ancient cultures. So far he’s worked in Greek, Egyptian, and Roman. It’s been a good fit for his math mind as well as our regular studies following a chronological study of history.



He has been building away at his Roller Coaster Tycoon video games. He enjoys doing those and he is stimulating his engineering mind.

I always enjoy checking out the resources you use. Another fantastic week!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks Phyllis!
We’re taking a week off but not until May and it’s our family vacation. Any other days off this Spring were/are not planned, but I’m sure we’ll be off more!
Renee Aleshire Brown
I love that freedom don’t you!
Lisa Boyle
I LOVE reading about your weeks– so much self-paced, hands-on fun learning. Awesome! 🙂 Have a safe trip!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks Lisa.