
Time With a Friend

This past weekend Beloved and I went out of town together. He is currently unemployed but working in Television Production Freelance positions whenever they become available. This past weekend was the state High School Softball championships in Akron Ohio. Since it was also our anniversary I tagged along.
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While he worked I had some wonderful opportunity to sit back, relax, do some research and blogging. Enjoy some quiet time in prayer.
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I also had a chance to meet up with my friend Jen, who just happened to be in Akron on the same weekend, but for different reasons.
Renee & Jen
We went to lunch at TGI Friday where we met our waiter, Dave. We were his first customers of the day and he was an awesome waiter. We talked with him a bit and were thrilled to learn that his sister is a homeschool mom too.
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Afterward, Jen and I went and just hung out in my hotel room talking for the afternoon. Isn’t it wonderful when 2 friends can just share their lives with each other? I think it is.

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