Training My Child in the Spirit
As a Christian, one who fervently believes in the sovereignty of the power and omniscience of God in Heaven, how could I do anything but teach my son spiritual things? To do otherwise would be hypocritical and deny the power of God.
“Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
But how can one know which way to train up that child?”
“And you, fathers, do now provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” – Ephesians 6:4
There it is. The only resource that I need to train my child up in the spirit can be found in God’s Word.
In fact the Apostle Paul teaches us that
“But even if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you then what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.” – Galatians 1:8
So how do I teach him God’s word in a kid friendly and easy to understand way? I pull resources that have been designed by those who are seeking to teach only God’s word without bringing in doctrines of men. Please note that I share these resources without any direct financial affiliation. In other words, I make no profit from the sharing of these resources.
My Top 6 Resources for Training in the Spirit.
- The Bible: Despite what many think, I believe that the best resource for teaching God’s word to any age group is directly from the source, the Bible. It is the inspired word of God. It is living and complete and He will guide all those who hear it who have a heart to hear.
- Bible Study Guide for All Ages was written by a homeschooling mom, Mary Baker, of Arkansas who wanted to teach her children the entire scope of the Bible at each age of their life using only the scripture as the backbone.
- Apologetics Press which is a publishing company seeking to provide resources which defend the scriptures and only the scriptures. They have Bible study materials for churches and homes. They have free lessons and only quizzes. Additionally, they have science books, dvd’s and even a kid – friendly Discovery, Scripture and Science for Kids Magazine.
- Kaio Publications at Kaio you will find the Family Devotional series. The series is based upon simple object lessons which are easy to follow, simple to teach and relevant for everyone. Each set of lessons comes with 30 devotionals, that’s one per day for a month and as of now there are 12 sets in the series. So that is One Years worth of family devotionals.
- Hannahs’ Hundreds – This is a four volume series of cd’s each containing 100 verses of scripture set to song. These were written, produced and are sold by a formerly homeschooling family. (The kids grew up).
- Growing Up in God’s Word, a homeschool Bible study curriculum written by a homechooling mom. In these seven volumes you will find a teacher led discussion, as well as activities for every type of learner. It’s a great way to incorporate study for all children in the family, whether as a homeschool study or family devotional series.
I believe that God our heavenly Father has through…
“as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,” 2 Peter 1:3.
Therefore I only use resources that reflect His word alone.