Training Up My Little Prince

I love teaching the fruit of the spirit to Little Man. In our academy, home and life you might often hear me ask him, “Does that attitude reflect the fruit of the spirit?” or maybe you will hear, “Are you showing self-control?” Or any of the other attributes to the Fruit of the Spirit.

Training Up my Little Prince | Great Peace Academy

This post contains a children’s book review. I received this book for free from the author, all opinions are my own and I was not instructed on what to write. This post also contains affiliate ad links where you may purchase this book.  

When I learning of Author Danna J. Walters and her book “Every Good Princess Marries a Prince” I couldn’t wait to read it. In it she gently weaves the fruit of the spirit into a lesson for young girls in how to find a mate.  Perhaps you are thinking, ‘Why would you want to teach that to young girls?’ 

 In the society we live in, it is nearly impossible to protect our littlest girls and boys from the standards of our society. Even in church assemblies you hear preschoolers talking about boyfriends. Our elementary students are bombarded by media and ads that try to sexualize our girls at a young age. So what better time to prepare their hearts, than at their youngest?  

With all the animated stories surrounding princesses, it’s no wonder our little children are fascinated with all things royal. That’s why Danna Walters, wrote this lovely little picture book from the perspective of princesses. In it, she talks about how the fruit of the spirit doesn’t grow on trees, but rather, “it grows inside you.” 

Every Good Princess Marries a Prince, Children's Book Review
Book Image Cover Used by Permission

In the book, she shows how three princesses each want to marry a prince. Looking through the lens of life without the fruit of the spirit, impatience, unfaithfulness and a lack of control lead only to sorrow and failure to find the prince. But that if one waits with kindness and self-control, they will find not only their prince but joy and peace as well.

Little Prince in Training

Now, with me being the mom to only a boy and no daughter, perhaps you are wondering why I wanted to read/review a book that is geared toward girls. The reason is because in this reading I can teach my son that there are a lot of would be princesses in this world but that he, a prince, should seek one who shows the fruit of the spirit from her heart and that he as well wants to exhibit the fruit of the spirit from his own heart so that he grows up into a true prince as well. 

It is my responsibility to train up this child. To teach him the proper way to treat a woman, how to have a godly heart, and how to reflect the Spirit in his life. So using a children’s book, even it if is intended for girls, to teach my boy, how to be a prince with a loving heart.
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