Peace in the Family

In my family, we are all seeking to have great peace. We do this through maintaining the Biblical roles of marriage and family that we see in the word of God, the Bible. Throughout the Bible and specifically in the New Testament we can see God’s design for marriage and family. In understanding His great love for us we can know that His plan leads to peace both in this lifetime as well as in eternal life with Him. If we follow His plan, understanding that each role has an important function, we find peace within the home.
A Family of Great Peace
Knowing that peace can only come from a faithful relationship with God our Creator through His Son Jesus Christ. We work at developing our godly roles, and the characteristics for each. It’s not always easy and sometimes it is hard do accomplish, but we are learning together to be forgiving and encouraging of each other as we work toward heaven together. On the blog, I share ideas and encouragement for families to grow, bond and develop strong connections and deeper relationships with each other and God.
On the blog, I share ideas and encouragement for families to grow, bond and develop strong connections and deeper relationships with each other and God.

Marriage Moments
I love being married. To date, my Beloved and I have been married for 25 years. It hasn’t always been easy, in fact, sometimes life is downright hard, but having faith in God our Father and each other has helped us to grow stronger in our marriage relationship. I’ve learned that having a strong marriage is one of the foundation stones to homes of great peace. Follow along as I share Marriage Moments where I offer encouragement, tips, and advice for developing, growing and maintaining a strong Biblical marriage.
Follow along as I share Marriage Moments where I offer encouragement, tips, and advice for developing, growing and maintaining a strong Biblical marriage.

Home & Keeping
I’m a firm believer in seeking to obey the Biblical standards that God has set for life, marriage, and the church. When we follow God’s plan life you will discover a home of great peace. In that, I seek to honor God, Christ, my husband, and family by being a good keeper of the home as found in Titus 2. I also like to share encouragement for other wives and moms in their Biblical role of being a keeper of the home.
Meal Making
Part of being a good keeper of the home is meal making. It’s through this role that I feel that women can truly help their families develop homes of great peace because it’s around the dinner table that we can truly connect. For some meal making comes easy and for others it’s a daunting task. I love to cook, but planning isn’t always my strong suit, I like to plan from a well-stocked pantry concept. So you’ll discover meal planning ideas, tips for cooking, menus, and recipes for wives and moms who spend time meal making as part of her Biblical role as keeper of the home.
Join me as I explore the world of developing a home of great peace in our Biblical roles of the family. Know that I am learning right along with you, growing my own heart toward my God-given role as a wife, loving mom, and keeper of the home. I’m also open to hearing ideas and suggestions, so if there is a particular area you are struggling in and I can offer encouragement or help, let me know. You can comment below, or send me a private email at admin@reneeatgreatpeace.com.