Learning and Planning
This week at the academy was filled with learning and planning. Jonathan was learning. I was planning.
Our co-op has a big winter party coming up next week. Really it’s just a day to have structured fun time. Nevertheless it requires a lot of pre-planning on my part. First I had to plan a menu around food allergies or intolerances. Then I had to get other mom’s to sign up to bring said menu items. Next, I had to come up with various games and activities to keep the children busy and entertained while at the party. Then I got moms to sign up to bring the items necessary to accomplish those games and activities. Yesterday I posted yet another sign up list for moms to take charge of said activities and or other duties while at the party. Oh and did I mention that we chose to open our party for friends to come. We figured that by inviting other homeschool moms they could see what we are all about and perhaps decide to register for next quarter. Today was spent running errands after swim lesson and gym class. Errands you guessed it for next weeks party. I was the supplies and menu items that I signed up to bring as well as a few other items which I thought would add to the overall ambiance. I really am looking forward to this party. It is however quite a large undertaking. Since our group only meets every 2 weeks, our communication is via facebook notes/messages/documents. Sometimes things are lost in translation so I often feel as if I’m like a dog chasing my tail in circles, round and round and round. Wheew. I’m getting tired.
Oh, yes back to the learning part. Jonathan is loving the new history. He reads and listens to a tape. It’s easy planning on my part which I love 🙂 Added in Poetry this week. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. “And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.” Kind of appropriate for my party planning don’t you think 😉
On a side note: I want to tell my good friend how much I love her and how excited I am by the MARVELOUS thing that happened to her today.
“My heart is filled with joy for you. I remember so well that call. I remember so well that first moment. I remember and I cry tears of beautiful joy for you. May God Bless your lifetime with the events of this day. I love you my dear friend ‘K’ ” — R