Words Fail in Times of Grief
Reflections Upon Grief Words fail me. That’s how I’ve felt for about 2 and half years. Which says a lot for a writer/blogger. It’s been difficult for me to write. For the first few months it was due to the busy-ness related to caring for my parents during my dad’s illness. But, then dad passed. That day… the last 24 hours spent with him, 2 years ago today, changed me. Grief changed me. Writing is no longer easy for me. Every word is a struggle to pull together. I thought, I’ll get over this struggle in time… but it’s not gotten easier. Grief is strange. I know it’s a…
Holding on to Marriage During Times of Grief
Grief. At some point or another we all experience grief. It comes in many forms and various reasons. It will have an impact on marriage. The way the couple chooses to handle the grief will determine the outcome of the marriage and the overall path that the grief can take. Grief comes because of some kind of physical separation. It can be due to a change in circumstances such as a job loss, a physical change in ones body, or even the loss of a personal dream or goal. Other times grief comes due to the death of a loved one. This could be through miscarriage, the death of a child, sibling,…
How the Challenge of Love is Grief
When Life Leads to Heartbreak The past 6 months, beginning on January 26th, life has been busy for me. Remember when I told you about how life has taken on a new normal? Following that blog post, my father continued to recover from the struggles of that illness and the major surgery that he experienced. He was in the hospital, well 4 different hospitals, for a total of 91 days, including in hospital med-rehab. He was finally able to go home with the assistance of home health and the help of his four children. My siblings and I set up a rotating schedule that allowed one of us to be…