• 25 Tomato Based Soup Recipes to Keep you Warm & Comforted All winter Long | Find them at Renée at Great Peace #mealplanning #soups #ihsnet
    Blog,  Meal Planning

    25 Delectable Tomato Based Soup Recipes are Perfect for Winter

    Winter has definitely set in. And in our home so has the winter-time illnesses. Our whole family came down with Bronchitis and I don’t think I left the house more than 5 times the entire month of December because of it. When it’s cold and the family is also sick there is nothing more warming, or comforting than a hot bowl of soup. And for me, tomato based soup is what does it for me. . My most favorite comfort food is an ooey gooey grilled cheese sandwich with a bowl of traditional tomato soup. But tomato vegetable soup and tomato basil soups are also yummy and delicious.  This post contains…