This Week… Getting in the Groove
Our family pictures were made available to us this week. I thought I would share one here. A special thank you to Tara from Tara O’Neal Photography for a great shoot. This is the first school week where I feel like we successfully completed a full week of work. It’s just been difficult this fall to get into the regular routine. Our routine: 4 days of school work in the classroom, Monday through Thursday. Friday is for gym and alternate Friday’s include our support group Making Memories Homeschool Support Group. Sometimes we will do grocery shopping or chores after but no structured school unless we are really behind.Bible: We reached the 9th…
Technology in the Classroom
We live in a technological world. It is a fact that we just simply cannot deny. This year we have begun teaching Little Man to use the internet. Prior to this we really saw no reason for him to delve into a world that was beyond his maturity level. I realize that the internet has many wonderful research tools, but before this year he has not needed them in order to learn at his skill level. I used it often to find needed resources but it wasn’t for him.Some time in the past year though, he discovered google search and you tube for finding things that he is interested in.…
This Week… Family Photo’s and Family Time
This was a good week in our little school room. I haven’t yet felt like I could say that this year. Not sure I can say we have hit our groove, but I’m starting to feel that we are beginning to make progress. Bible: We continued our study of the Israelites in Egypt. Moses and Aaron have gone to Pharoah and asked for the right to go worship God. God has begun to perform signs and wonders amongst the Egyptians. Little Man Hard at Work, Notice He doesn’t sit up straight? History: We moved forward a bit in history. Joshua and Jericho. We just stepped up to this lesson and…
Interesting Integers
So Little Man has begun to explore the world of Algebra. The first day, he was worried. He said it would be too hard for him. He said, other people told him that Algebra was hard. I said, “Well let’s give it a try and see what YOU think.” The first lesson was Integers. He was thrilled to learn that Integer just meant the value of a number based upon it’s distance from 0. He very happily set to identifying integers on a numberline and determining it’s Absolute Value. Thus a love for Algebra has settled into his little heart. Today he is happily dividing integers. He does this in his…
This Week… Unit Learning
We started back to our formal education this week. I am quite excited about how I am focusing more on unit based learning. Our Curricula Choices Unit based learning or unit studies is using a general topic to fully learn about that topic from every area of learning. For example, this week we are picking up in history where we formerly left off, with the tribes of Israel in Egyptian slavery. As we progress through this part of history we will use it as the basis for every other area of learning. Our vocabulary words come from the history, math, Bible and reading that we are doing within that scope…
The Kings and a Queen Timeline Review
There some great Bible based study helps I wanted to share with each of you. But I don’t just use these products for Bible study in my homeschool, they help Me in my personal study as well as in preparing for Bible classes. In addition they offer excellent reference points for a chronological study of history, which is how we study in our school room. Me and My House Inc. offers several study aids of which I have 2. I have The Kings and a Queen Timeline with maps as well as Passages of the Prophets board game. First, let me assure you the author and creator of these, Sherlan Perry,…
It’s Latin to Me
This year I have decided to start Jonathan in Latin. I can’t believe that I have made that decision, and yet I have. I never learned Latin. I will be learning as I teach him. Isn’t that the way of a home-school mom? We educate ourselves so that we can educate our children. Much Like Latin, I will also be teaching myself Algebra this year, as I teach Little Man Algebra. I did take Algebra. I don’t remember Algebra, but I did take it. We will be exploring the history of the Hebrews this year in our Mystery of History. I am excited that I am adding Bright Idea Press’s…
Finishing Up and Looking for New
I’m finishing up a few stray curricula this week. Liitle man ended Spelling yesterday. We shall finish elementary math by Friday. That’s scarey! Since we found those baby kittens I’m going ahead with the lesson on Human Growth from the Aplogia’s Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy which will end two years in that book. Don’t let that scare you, I prefer to take science slow so that Little Man can explore till his heart is content. He needs to finish up a couple of writing assignments and then we are done! Our final so long to academics 2011/2012 will be the Fun Field Day my friend Angie organizes! I’m still working…