Home and Keeping Series
5 Days of Homemaking During the Winter Season
It’s winter and for many that means long days indoors. That is especially true for homeschooling families. Whenever a family is spends extended periods of time inside the home can become cluttered quickly. School books abound, shoes galore, laundry piles and dishes seem to hover precariously at the edge of every table. At least that’s what happens in my home. How about yours?
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As the homemaker I find keeping up with the home in winter to be both rewarding and cumbersome. The truth is because I’m home more I should be able to tackle more projects throughout the day. My chore list should increase and I should be able to maintain a clean space easier.
However, when you are home for days on end and have little contact with others, the home tends to take on a cave like feel. When that happens I tend to overlook clutter. That’s when homemaking becomes a bit burdensome. I don’t want it to be a burden, I want it to be a blessing to my family.
Which is why I’m sharing 5 encouraging post for your role in homemaking. Because, if I need encouragement for my role as homemaker, I thought perhaps you could use some encouragement too.
Day 1. Scriptures for Homemaker with 5 Printable Scripture Art pages.
Day 2. Nest Your Home for Winter
Day 3. Meals to Make in 20 Clicks
Day 4. Preparing Home for Winter Illness Season
Day 5. Your Best Homemaking Tips
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