
Interesting Integers

So Little Man has begun to explore the world of Algebra. The first day, he was worried. He said it would be too hard for him. He said, other people told him that Algebra was hard. I said, “Well let’s give it a try and see what YOU think.”

The first lesson was Integers.

He was thrilled to learn that Integer just meant the value of a number based upon it’s distance from 0. He very happily set to identifying integers on a numberline and determining it’s Absolute Value.

Thus a love for Algebra has settled into his little heart.

Today he is happily dividing integers. He does this in his head.

Convincing him of the need to show his steps is quite a chore for me.

We have settled on showing his steps only on the bonus problems, since they are the hardest problems.

Already, he has adapted to his field of knowledge, Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Understanding the rules regarding the multiplication of Integers, such as a negative times a positive will always be a negative, while a negative tmes and negative will always be a positive. This last fact however, quite confused Beloved. 🙂 He has quickly come to understand that for every division problem there is a corresponding multiplication problem, since they are opposite forms of the same function.

Is your head spinning? Mine is. At the beginning of every lesson, I get a bit panicky trying to figure out how to say what it is I’m trying to impart. But every time, he adapts the information into his Little Man mind and understands far faster than I ever could or will.

Ah, the joy of Algebra — at least in his perspective.
Maybe he should start tutoring for a little extra income around here. 😉

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