Marriage Moments

Marriage Moment: Night Owl Vs. Early Bird

God creates every person different. He creates us with different talents and abilities. He creates us with different personalities and appearances.

Photo Courtesy of Art by Amanda Hilburn

For me, He created me to be a night owl. I’m nocturnal, well mostly, and there just is no getting around it.

My mom says that I was that way from the time she brought me home from the hospital. She spent plenty of long nights up walking the floors with me. I never understood that until my own son came along. He too is a bit of a night owl and when he was a baby I walked and rocked him through many a night.
Photo Courtesy of Art by Amanda Hilburn

Beloved on the other hand. He’s an early bird. He likes his sleep. He is an, “I want at least 8 hours or more.” kind of person. When we were first married his preference was getting up early getting a start on the day and then getting to bed at a decent hour. Over the years he has changed his time to go to bed. I suspect that has a lot to do with me. He still usually heads to bed a couple of hours before I do but he still functions at his peak when he gets up and gets his day started while I function at my peak in the middle of the night when most of the time zone is asleep.

We have tried over the years to adapt, whenever we need to, to the other’s schedule. I’m afraid I have not ever been successful at adapting to his, but he can on occasion adapt to mine. I’m not sure how we’ve made it work, but we have.

Which are you? Night owl or Early Bird? Do you share the same trait as your spouse or do you differ? How do you ‘make it work?’


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Marriage Moment

I’m Linking With:

Consider the LiliesA Proverbs 31 Woman

Why I Love My HusbandThe Proverbs 31 Sanctuary
The Alabaster Jar

If you love’d love to have either an owl or bird customized for your own home visit  Amanda’s Art by Amanda Hilburn blog and shop.

Art by Amanda Hilburn

Disclosure: The photo’s on this post are courtesy of Amanda Hilburn at Art by Amanda while she sales them at her page, I am not receiving any paid or other affiliate compensation for their placement on this page. I have chosen to place them because I think they are cute and wanted to share them with my readers. 

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