• How to Use Family Audiobooks for Character Training in Young Teens | Renée at Great Peace #ihsnet #homeschool #parenting #Christian @AIO_tweets
    Blog,  Christian Parenting,  Homeschool

    How to Use Family Audiobooks for Character Training in Young Teens

    As diligent parents we want to lead our teenagers in developing good character traits as they continue to develop into adulthood. But discipline can lead to confrontation which may make for less discipline and more confrontation when emotions are running high. It’s a difficult problem for parents. Utilizing resources such as family audiobooks can take the confrontation out of the equation while still helping teens to see the need for good character building. I received the following product for free and am being fairly compensated for the time I use in reviewing and writing this post. All opinions are my own and I am not required to write a positive…