Training Your Child in Peace
We, my husband and I, endeavor through training our child in peace. I believe to truly know peace one must know and obey God the Creator through His Son Jesus Christ.
My aim as a mother along with my husband is to point our child to the cross so that he can know Christ and the Father. Our hope is that through teaching him he will come to know the peace that passes all understanding because he will develop a strong faith in God, choose obedience to His will, and ultimately reach the eternal peace of a heavenly home.
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13
As I develop as a spiritual parent I want you encourage you in your role of training your child in peace. Parenting isn’t always easy, and it isn’t always fun. But it can be filled with both joy and peace when we seek to do God’s will and obey His command to train our children to in His way, through the nurture and admonition of His word, Ephesians 6:4.
Join me as I explore training up a child to know the peace of God.
Training with Bible Lessons for Children
Bible lessons for helping you to train your children in word of God. Bible lessons for family devotional studies, homeschool studies, Bible class studies or simply to encourage your children to read the Bible on their own.
Bible Study Aids for Children
- Growing up in God’s Word
- Kaio Publications
- Apologetics Press
- Hannahs Hundreds
- Kidsing
- Bible Memory Chart
- Divided Kingdoms Chart
- Focus Press
- Bible Study Guide for All Ages
- Bible Fun for Kids
- Bible Songs and More
- Me and My House
Follow Me on Pinterest for even more great Bible Study Ideas
*Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.