
30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 9 Homeschool Mom Friends

Day 9: Homeschool Mom Friends

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

Last night I went out for Sushi sans children and husbands with a Homeschool Mom Friend. That was a first for me, sushi in a restaurant. A few months back I spent some time in the home of a this homeschooll family. The mom and I have  over the past four years watched our children grow in homeschool world. We’ve supported each other through curricula choices and styles of learning. We talk about differentiation and stretching our children and curricula to meet their needs. We talk about life and faith and the joy and frustration that surrounds us on this journey. 

While in her home, she made lunch for her kids. Since we were there she graciously fed us too. Although, I’m pretty sure I had worn out my welcome by that point. 😉 She made sticky rice and a sunny side up egg, then she put the egg on the rice and added soy sauce. I sat there quite shocked as I would never have thought to do that. She just laughed and said “That’s how mommy always made it.” Her mom was Japanese, so she cooked the way she was raised, with Japanese food. I being hillbilly from birth thought rice with egg seemed quite exotic. She graciously let me try it and I fell in love. I couldn’t get enough, so I wanted to know more. 

“What kind of rice do you buy? What oil do you fry the egg in? Turns out it was Sesame Oil, another exotic ingredient. What else did you sprinkle on top? That was black sesame seed. Then low and behold she pulled out Nori. Now I knew what Nori was, in fact I had tasted it before and did not like. But, when added to the rice/egg mixture. mmmmmm, I suddently found myself eating something I never imagined. So then she starts rolling the rice with the Nori and cucumber, at one point she even added Kim Chi. I was like a kid in a candy store. 🙂

That started me on a new culinary journey. I have since learned to make Vegetable Sushi in my own home. Last night was the first time I had ever gone out to a restaurant for it. She patiently went over the menu with me and helped me choose. I got Asparagus rolls, and Tempura battered Sweet Potato Rolls (If you’ve never tried this before I urge you, run to your nearest sushi bar and order it, I mean like right now!), and then an entree’ of Chicken Yaki Udon. Even saying this my mouth is watering. 

So today I am thankful for my Homeschool Mom Friends. This journey of educational discovery has led me on a new journey of culinary discovery. Without this dear Homeschool Mom Friend, I never would have ventured out of my culinary norm to explore the world of Japanese Cuisine. Yum!

Over the table and later over coffee, and even later as we sat in a vehicle because the stores were all shutting down, we shared stories and joys and worries and concerns, we shared faith and hope and our knowledge of the Father. We laughed about Creamy Milk and slimy food and I began to marvel over what I’ve known for a while now, that is that  Homeschool Mom Friends, often become more than Homeschool Mom Friends, they become Friends. Good Friends. 

Psalm 34:8“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Most Gracious Lord, I thank you. When I began this homeschooling journey, I felt so alone. You quickly led this particular friend into my life and we have shared much together. You have additionally led me to a community of homeschooling families through the work of the support group that I felt compelled to start. Each time we gather, whether individually as friends or collectively as a group, I remember You leading me to this and I am thankful. May my life reflect the Lord Jesus in all I do and all I say. May you be glorified in these friendships and may I your humble servant serve as You bid me serve. Thank you dear Lord for this dear friend whose friendship has grown close in the last several years. May she and I continue to encourage one another in faithfulness and loving friendship. Through the blessed name of your Son Jesus, I pray.

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