5 Tips for Reconnecting Your Marriage
During Difficult Times, Marriage Moment
These past six months have been interesting for Beloved and I. He continues to be unemployed, yet the Lord continues to bless him with work. He is working freelance television and sports production work and when he isn’t doing that, he has been able to work as a day laborer for a local HVAC company. I am so proud that he is a man who will work, isn’t afraid to work and would rather work than collect unemployment which would be so much simpler. (2 Thessalonians 3:10).
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But, with all of the freelance work comes a bit of family struggle as well. Freelance TV production means travel. 2-3 days or more a week Beloved is travelling and staying away from home. That leaves Little Man and myself here keeping the home fires burning.
It’s difficult when we have our routine and then dad comes home and a different routine occurs. It’s difficult when Little Man needs dads guidance instead of moms. It’s difficult for me, cause I miss my husband. I’m not complaining. I am simply stating where the difficulties lie. We are truly very grateful for the work the Lord is providing for my husband.
I do want to offer encouragement to those who may find themselves in a similar situation. What we have learned and are learning is that it is in the difficult times when we need to draw closer together even when we are further apart in physical distance. Today, I’m sharing 5 Tips for Reconnecting in Marriage, perfect for a New Year prioritization.
5 Tips for Reconnecting Your Marriage
- Purpose to spend time alone, just the two of you. Whether it’s an afternoon grocery shopping or an evening date night, be sure that you are purposing to prioritize time for just the 2 of you.
- Pray for each other. Daily, especially when you are apart physically.
- Do not neglect each others needs in the bedroom department. (1 Corinthians 7:5)
- Speak gently to one another. You are in love! Remember that. When struggles happen, we often find ourselves snapping at each other. Purpose to speak gently to each other, pause, choose love’s better words, then speak.
- Read the Bible together. This is my husbands and my goal for this coming year. We are reading together through a Chronological Bible. We aren’t yet sure how this will work while he is travelling, but we are committed to seeing it through.

Hi Renee, this is such a great post. Marriage is not the easiest of relationships and then add to the mix hardship and uncertainty. I am lifting a prayer up right now for you and your husband. Thank you for this great reminder to do all we can to keep connected to our loved one!
God bless
Renee Brown
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your kind words and prayer. I am so glad you found encouragement from my post. 🙂 It’s good to see you again.