15 Autumn Date Ideas to keep the Spark in Your Marriage
Autumn is such a gorgeous season if you happen to live in an area where the leaves turn vibrant colors. The cool crisp air coupled with warm mugs of hot tea, coffee, or cocoa make for a thrilling time to date your man. Why not call him up today and ask him out on an autumn date?
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Fall Fun Date Ideas for Married Couples
▬ Take a Trek through a Corn Maze.
Anytime you can get lost together it’s fun and what better way to get lost in the fall than in the middle of a corn maze? Meandering through a labyrinth of standing corn can lead to fun giggling with a bit of adrenaline due to confusion. Hold hands and take your time, eventually you’ll find your way through, then head off for some cider sipping.
▬ Go apple picking.
Watching your husband reach high to pull down apples can be exciting. Finding just that perfect apple and taking a bite and sharing it with your beloved can foster such a loving moment between husband and wife. Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the autumn weather, enjoy time with each other.
▬ Go Camping.
Get out of town, head to the woods, pitch a tent, build a fire and kick back and enjoy nature, together. Cook a simple meal over an open fire and listen to the crickets as you relax next to your honey. Then head in and snuggle together and keep each other warm.
▬ Visit a neighboring town and explore the area.
Sometimes getting out of town just for a Saturday afternoon can be so refreshing. Explore the downtown shops. Maybe visit their local ice cream shop to see what autumn goodies they’ve got. Once my husband and I were doing a fall foliage tour in New England, and stopped along the way at a local candy shop. We were thrilled to find maple candies and caramel apples… such a fun autumn thing to do.
▬ Go cider sampling.
Most apple farms that allow u-pick also offer ciders. Some have cider samples. Try a few different varieties to figure out which one is your favorite. Also sometimes old villages, or downtown shops offer autumn time shop hops offering cider or cocoa along the way. It’s a fun way to celebrate the autumn season.
▬ A Fall Photo Shoot
With the vibrant, natural, colorful, backdrops there is no better time to take a series of photos with your husband. I think it’s important to document your marriage journey. Every few years it’s important to have photos taken. One day, your children will appreciate your thoughtfulness to provide them with regular documentation of your married life. It’s also fun for the couple to hug, hold hands, and kiss while a silent observer documents the love that is shared.
▬ Plan a night under the harvest moon, enjoy the crisp fall air and cuddles under a blanket.
The sun sets earlier and earlier this time of year. Grab a couple of lawn chairs and a blanket and head outside under the harvest moon. Spend time just talking, reconnecting and checking in with each other.
▬ Take a fall foliage tour by car, or by train.
Fall foliage at it’s peak is breathtaking. Whether you live in an area ablaze with color, or can take a short trip to an area, hop in the car and head out for a tour. Or, book a trip on a train through the peak areas. It’ll be one of the most beautiful dates you’ll ever have.
▬ Go out to a local cafe and enjoy hot coffee, or tea, with pastries.
During this time of the year hot drinks are the way to go. A hot cup of pumpkin latte, or an spiced apple tea make for a delicious autumn treat. Add a crusty pastry to the side and your husbands hand to hold while you discuss the days events and you’ll find that your cup of joe becomes all the more meaningful.
▬ Have a picnic by a lake.
Find a grassy area and spread a blanket next to a lake. Lay back, relax, and enjoy the weather. Then when you are ready pull out some
Ideas to Make Your Picnic Extra Special
▬ This picnic set-up is lovely!
• Check it out, it’s in Spanish so be sure to use Google Translate: A Black & White Picnic, by Nice Party.
▬ Food Ideas to Enjoy with Your Beloved
• Eggplant, Prosciutto, & Pesto Pressed Picnic Sandwiches by Host the Toast
• Sweet Potato Salad by Taste of the South
• No-Bake Mason Jar Cheesecakes for Your Next Picnic by Brit & Co.
• Caramel Apple-Cider Iced Tea by Inside Bru Crew Life, make at home, and put into a mason jar with lids on tight for an easy, yet autumn festive drink at your picnic.
▬ Get tickets to a football game.
Fall & football go hand in hand. And, chances are your husband is really into football. So meet him on his turf, and get tickets to the local football game. Maybe it’s a Friday night game at the local high school, or a Saturday game at your favorite college. Or… it could be an out of town experience watching his favorite NFL team. Whatever the case, let him know you love him by enjoying a game of pass the pigskin while rooting on his favorite team.
▬ Go stargazing.
With the clear, crisp air, you often get the most gorgeous stargazing nights. Head out of town to an out the way field or park and take a gander at the amazing span of lights in the sky. This app, Sky Map, for Android, or SkyView for iPhone, makes it easy to determine the constellation and star locations.
▬ Take a fall canopy zip-lining tour.
Have you gone zip-lining before? It’s so fun, and what better time to soar the tree-tops than during autumn when you can enjoy the spectacular fall foliage.
▬ Light a fire in the backyard.
If you have a firepit in your backyard, or if you’re in the country and have a dedicated burn pile. Now is a great time for a romantic cuddle by the fire. Grab a bag of marshmallows, and some hot cocoa (or caramel milk if you are like me and can’t eat chocolate), and enjoy some time kindling your own fire with your honey.
▬ Take a hike.
Of course an autumn hike is a must! Pull out your hiking boots, find a local park with a few hills and set off through the woodlands while holding your honey’s hand. Breathe deep, gather leaves, and enjoy your hiking date with your love.
Autumn is an awesome time for a date! The chill makes you want to snuggle up nice and warm with each other while the autumn bounty creates a sense of wonder and excitement.
What are your favorite autumn time activities to do with your man?
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