
Blogger Tip: Turning Your Homepage into a Preview Page

For a little over a year I have been blogging. Whenever I wanted to learn “how do you do that?” I would do a Google search until I found the answer.

I was thrilled when I discovered The Cutest Blog on the Block, they have FREE templates, backgrounds, blinkies and more, which I totally love and have used for 2 different backgrounds. love the one that I am currently using.

When I wanted to know how to build my own blogger buttons, again I turned to google and finally found the “Grab My Button Code Generator” website which again, is totally FREE. Did I mention that I love FREE. I have learned a little about html codes, I’ve generated my own. I learned how to upload photo’s to Photobucket and how to grab the custom generated html’s from there to use whatever photo I want as a button simply by using the above mentioned code generator. My techy husband is quite impressed , I am sure, with my new found webbing abilities. 😉

Most recently I have been searching high and low for how to turn my homepage into a preview page. I’ve perused other blogs, and wondered “how did they do that?” I’ve commented and asked with, no replies. I have googled and searched high and low for the mysterious answer to that question. “How do you make a homepage a preview page on Blogger?”

What’s funny is that when I found the answer to that question it was not from a google search, nor a reply to a question. In fact, I was not even in blogging mode when I found that answer. My Beloved inadvertently showed me when we were working on a spreadsheet of quarterly treasury reports for the homeshool support group that I am administrator for: Making Memories Homeschool Support Group. I had this aha moment when he set up where he wanted the page-breaks to be.

It wasn’t that I hadn’t previously known about page-breaks, I use them on occasion when working in Word. But I hadn’t considered the use of it for Blogger. So the next time I was writing a blog, I looked up and low and behold there, right on the tool bar, is a page-break button.

So I decided that I gave it a try, and it worked! It turned my post into a preview on my homepage. To read the entire post, one has to click the title or the “see more…” link at the bottom of the preview. Here’s the exact how to.

  1. Go to your blogger page, then click on settings.
  2. Then click on other. On the Site Feed section under “Allow Site Feed” click the drop down menu and scroll to “Until Jump Break.” This allows your feeds to only show the preview to the jump break or page break.
  3. Write your post, add photo’s, labels, etc.
  4. When ready to publish, determine where in the article you want your preview to end and put your cursor in that exact place.
  5. Click the page-break button on your tool bar.
  6. Publish.

See Cursor on Photo.

It’s that EASY! Go to your homepage to see the preview. Direct links will always take you directly to the post, but if someone types in your homepage .com they will see previews of your posts and will need to click through to read the entire post. Guess what? It works for WordPress posts too! 

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