• Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Taking Care

    When Sickness Comes After the rush and travel of the last few weeks, I got home to find that Little Man and I have come down with a cough and fever. My whole body hurts and I just want to lay down.I have such a good husband. He’s taking care of me. He brings me Tylenol, water and tissues. He makes lunch and dinner.  I love my marriage, I love that when we aren’t well, we take care of each other. Sometimes I have to let go of myself and just let him do that. It’s hard for me to admit when I need help. But today, I need help.…

  • Marriage Moments

    This Week… Needing To Be Held

    This past week, I went ‘home.’ Home for me will always be at the base of a mountain in West Virginia. I was able to spend some much needed time with my folks. My Little Man was able to spend some much needed time with his mammaw and pappaw. I grew up in a very small town, surrounded by family, extended family and those folks who married into the family. On one side of my parents house was my own mammaws house, and on the other side my uncles place. Just 2 doors away was another aunt and above her my other uncles house. That’s my daddy’s side, in the…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Young In Love

    Wedding Planning for Life Planning Once again I have the privilege of helping a young couple plan their wedding. I so enjoy doing this. I enjoy seeing the joy and excitement in their eyes as they look at each other. I love helping them to realize that they can make their dream a reality. I love the excitement of the gathering and putting together and the anticipation of the moment. This couple that I am currently helping is so very special. They are new Christians. So as they begin their walk with Him they are seeking to do His will. That is special. What a beautiful encouragement. God intends for…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Little Things

    Sometimes in marriage it isn’t the big flashy events, like surprise little blue boxes, it’s the little day to day things that committed couples do to show they love each other that create lasting relationships. This is just some of Beloved and my “little things.”It’s the little way that he brushes back her hair when she is bent over the lesson planner.It’s the little way that she chooses his clothes for Sunday morning worship.It’s the little way that he places his hand on her back when walking beside her.It’s the little way she snuggles her toes next to his under the covers at night.It’s the little way that he makes…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Contentious Women

    Honor Him with Your Mouth Did you know that men are different than women? That’s just logical right? Well yes, but we forget this when it comes to how we process information. As women we want to examine things, turn them over in our minds and look at them from every angle. Then, once we do that we want to talk about it with someone else, look at it from their angles and see if perhaps they see things differently than we do. Best girlfriends are great for allowing each other to do just this. Husbands on the other hand, are not.Yes, I know our husbands are and should be…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: THE ONE

    Do you remember pulling petals off of daisies and counting out the ‘he loves me’ and ‘he loves me not’s?’ Remember how your heart pounded with excitement when it landed on “he loves me?” If only love could be that simple right? But when you find THE ONE, the ONE who calls you his lady, the ONE who loves you enough to take care of you when your sick. The ONE who sticks with you through not only the good and joyous times but also the hard and difficult times, the ONE who works hard to provide for your family, the ONE who seeks your well being above his own,…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Falling In Love

    Today I was invited by Karyn Tripp at Teach Beside Me to write a guest post.  The topic is Why I Homeschool. Here is a preview of the post, please click on over to Karyn’s page to read the whole story. Thanks Karyn for this opportunity! The Road to Home School Home School; two words that I had never heard until my mid-twenties. Now those two words are almost always put together forming one word which the dictionary editors have yet to filter into the lexicons even though it is a part of modern day vernacular… See More _________________________________ Now on to the Marriage Moment: Falling In Love Do you…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: He’s Right

    Have you noticed how marriage has become a joke that everyone wants to be a part of until they no longer want to be a part of it. What I mean by that everyone wants to get married, then everyone jokes about marriage, then many want to get out of marriage. Everywhere you look, you see and hear people making jokes about marriage. I was just over at Pinterest perusing and time and again I saw pins that had jokes like the husband bowing to the wife holding out a credit card. There also are lot’s of jokes about whose right in the marriage, and usually those pins are claiming…