• Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment:Waiting for an Open Door, Give Thanks Days 25, 26

    Marriage Moment: Sometimes we are tired. In our marriages we just get so very tired. We work day in and day out to keep our marriages strong. In addition to the relationship work of marriage there is the life work, the career work and in my case the homeschool work, there is the service in the Lord’s body, there is mommy and daddy work, friend work and on and on. Life requires work and has since Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden because of their sin. Right now my husband is working weekends as a freelancer. Why? He hasn’t secured a new full time job…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: How Does He Love Me? and 30 Days to Give Thanks Link Up

    Marriage Moment: How Does He Love Me? How does he love me? I am such a flawed and imperfect human. Yet he continues to love me despite myself. He loves me by seeking my own good above his own. He forgives me when I treat him wrong. He guides me in step with the Father’s will, because he loves my soul as much as he loves my life. He still reaches for my hand when we walk beside of each other. He still opens doors for me. He carries heavy things so that I don’t have to. He willingly helps around the house, even though I have told him he…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Absence and the Heart & 30 Days Link Up

    Marriage Moment: Absence and the Heart My Beloved is now travelling on the weekends for freelance work. First, I am extremely thankful that the Lord is providing for our family in this way. Yet, when he leaves I feel a little pang of regret that  he will be away. We’ve all heard the statement “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” For me this is very true.  For 9 months before we got married Beloved and I were in college in 2 different states. I thought my heart would explode from the pain. It’s not that bad now, I do believe I have matured a bit with age. Yet, I do…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Don’t Give Up & 30 Days Link Up Day 5

    It’s Marriage Moment & 30 Days to Give Thanks Link Up Day 5 A letter to my 18 year old Bride Self, Don’t Give Up! It’s hard. Marriage. You will enter thinking it’s going to be flowers and love letters all the time. The reality soon hits, arguments over how to load the toilet paper, who is responsible for the dishes, which way to fold the towels. Then comes the hard part, work. Work that takes place inside the home, outside the home and inside the marriage. Work that brings income, work that maintains and work that brings you closer. It’s work. Hard work.  Then comes the desire for better.…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: A Fitly Spoken Word

    Proverbs 25:11” A word fitly spoken is like apples of goldIn settings of silver.”How do you speak to your husband? So often I hear women here and there speaking to their spouses as if they were children. I hear women talk down to them, or speak with fits of hatred in their voice.  This is My Beloved Man How do you speak to your husband? God designed for our men to be the head of our family. Would you go into the CEO’s office at a multi-million dollar company and speak to them in disrespectful tone? Why then, would we speak to the CEO of our families in that way. You see our spouses…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: The Wise Wife

    “The wise woman builds her house,” This is a quote from Proverbs 14:1. When I think about this I am reminded of times in my life when I was not being a Wise Woman but rather a foolish one. There were times when I prioritized many things over that of my relationship with my husband. Marriage requires change. I had to decide to change, realizing that I can’t change him, I only can change me. I began to realize that if I want my marriage to work, I have to build my house. I have to place my husband as the highest of priorities, 2nd only to my relationship to…

  • Family,  Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: 56 Years

    This week my parents will celebrate their 56th year of marriage. Isn’t this one of those amazing photo’s. Like you’d see on a retro greeting card or something. This is them, the week after their wedding day. Unfortunately they didn’t have photo’s taken the day they got married. They, along with my mammaw went to the preacher’s house and got married. A week later dad’s family had a wedding shower for them, they wore the same clothing they did on their wedding day and that’s how we have this amazing shot.  56 years ago, they were young and in love. Their love has grown, deepened, changed. They have faced beautiful…

  • Marriage Moments

    Marriage Moment: Enraptured Love

    As we get older our bodies begin to change. The shapeliness of youth becomes the settledness of middle age. It seems to happen overnight. You wake up one morning, look in the mirror and suddenly what once was firm and strong has become soft, what once was soft and curvaceous is now flabby. What’s a man to do with a wife who no longer looks like the bride he married? Love her. Proverbs 5:18-2018 Let your fountain be blessed,And rejoice with the wife of your youth.19 As a loving deer and a graceful doe,Let her breasts satisfy you at all times;And always be enraptured with her love.20 For why should you, my son, be enraptured…