Christian Parenting,  Family

Finding Joy in the Busy

I’m juggling those proverbial balls again. I have so much going on my brain can’t seem to rest. There was a time in my life though when nothing was happening. That was a sad and lonely time for me, and I look back on it with so much thankfulness. I am thankful that now, I am so busy.

When I wasn’t a mom. I longed to be a mom.

The Day We Brought Home our Little Man
Now that I am a mom. I take great joy in serving the LORD with gladness. I find joy in knowing that God has called me to “train up” my Little Man. I take great joy in knowing that what I am so busy doing is for the greater good of my child.

I’ve had some tell me that I should “slow down.” Others have said, “You can’t do everything, take a break.” While in general that is true. I know the sorrow that comes with not having anything to do. I know the peace that comes in knowing that I am “training up” my child for God’s service.

One of My All Time Favorite Photographs

It isn’t always easy. Some days, I wonder how will I ever accomplish what needs accomplishing. Then I remember to realize my priority. Some days, the laundry doesn’t get folded. Some days, the dishes don’t get washed. Some days the beds don’t get made. That’s ok. No one is seeing those things anyway. Preparing for a Bible class that my son will be in and I will be teaching is far more important than dirty dishes.

Oh, how much joy I find in being a mom. There are no words that can truly convey that feeling.

Today I’m Linking up with the Hip Homeschool Hop.

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