
Five Minute Friday: Opportunity Knocking

Hi all. Linking up today with Lisa-Jo for a Five Minute Friday Writing Party. Where hundreds of bloggers are given a topic and then take just five minutes to write about it. The goal is to get back to the basics of writing without worry or fear of all the editing that it takes to publish something.
Today’s Topic: Opportunity

Five Minute Friday

As the new year has been ushered in, my family gladly said goodbye to 2012. That year brought anxiety and fear. Neither of which are feelings that we desire to have. With Beloved’s job loss and months of not knowing what comes next, we look forward to a year where the days are fresh and opportunities spread before us like fresh snow in winter.
We still do not know what those opportunities look like, as nothing has been offered or promised but the simple fact of newness is somehow comforting with HOPE.
We trust in the Lord. He is faithful and always cares for His own. He provides for the faithful. So Why Should I Fear? Opportunity is Knocking… Sometimes, we just have to wait for it to arrive. 

If you’d like to join us for a Five Minute Friday Writing Link-up just click on the button above to join in. 

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