Marriage Moments

Marriage Moment: All Things New

This past weekend I was privileged to help coordinate the wedding ceremony of a beautiful bride and her groom. This couple came to know the Lord this past December. Shortly after becoming Christians they began to study to learn how to become good parents. You see, they had previously brought a beautiful little baby girl into the world. As they studied the scriptures to learn what God desires of good parents they came to realize that He desires that they be married. So they set out to make that happen. 

They are babes in the Lord and have come to understand that God makes all things new. 

Revelation 21:5a 

“Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

 They began a relationship outside the Lord, but soon discovered that in the Lord they could begin again sharing in the newness of Christ with each other. This sweet young couple is striving to get it right and write a new history for their family. 

So this past weekend I was able to help  them to pull together bits of baubles and pieces of fabric and flowers together in a lovely way. Work with them and the officiant to coordinate the flow of the ceremony and serve as director of the  day including the reception.

This was a simple yet lovely wedding. I was thrilled to see this young couple bring their lives together as they walk in faith with Christ.

Set Aisle
Cake Table
Reception Hall
Dessert Reception

Centerpiece with a touch of pink


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Marriage Moment

I’m Linking With:

Consider the LiliesA Proverbs 31 Woman

Why I Love My HusbandThe Proverbs 31 Sanctuary
The Alabaster Jar

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