Marriage Moment:
How Does He Love Me?
How does he love me? I am such a flawed and imperfect human. Yet he continues to love me despite myself. He loves me by seeking my own good above his own. He forgives me when I treat him wrong. He guides me in step with the Father’s will, because he loves my soul as much as he loves my life. He still reaches for my hand when we walk beside of each other. He still opens doors for me. He carries heavy things so that I don’t have to. He willingly helps around the house, even though I have told him he doesn’t have to. He works to ensure that I have a safe vehicle to drive. He works hard to provide for our family, even during this time of job loss, he seeks out freelance work opportunity to bring in income, because he knows that Unemployment will not meet our need. He holds me when I need to cry and doesn’t try to tell me to stop crying. He listens with intention to the words I speak from my heart. He assures me that despite my fears it’s going to be alright and that God has always and will always provide, even if it’s not in the way we want. He loves our son and is working diligently to teach him the responsibilities of a man. He cradles my head at night in the crook of his arm. Sometimes he does things that are unexpected and surprises me in delightful ways. He still finds me attractive although I am completely not sure why. He smiles when he sees me. He takes me to worship and is diligent about it. He sings praises to the Father when we are travelling in a car. He tries to make me laugh in his goofy and silly way whenever I am angry. He tells me I’m cute when I’m angry, trying to make me smile instead. He drives the speed limit in order to keep us safe. He encourages me in my attempts to serve others. He is kind and compassionate. He is gentle in all of his ways. He loves me unconditionally. He loves me without expecting love in return although I try to give him as much love or more in return. He speaks only truth to me, even though he tries to shield me from things that might hurt. He is open to hearing when something needs to change. He works with me to ensure that we are providing for our child’s needs. He reminds me to be kind. He rarely tries to dissuade me from most of my overly enthusiastic plans. He loves me simply and honestly and without end. He loves me.
What’s Your Marriage Moment?
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- Go to your blog, write your post, about anything that Encourages Marriage.
- Copy the Marriage Moment Button Below, add it to your blog page or post.
- Click the inlinkz Tool Below and Follow the Instructions.
- Offer encouragement to the link just before your own.
- Happy Marriage Everyone!
Linking Up With:

30 Days to Give Thanks
Day 19: Firewood.
We heat our home with firewood. Last summer there was a big storm that knocked down many trees. Beloved and his dad, chopped wood and stacked it up for this winter. Beloved diligently prepares fires to heat our home. God provided the wood which provides the heat.
Acts 28:2
And the natives showed us unusual kindness; for they kindled a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold.
Most gracious Lord, you know and see all things. You provided for our need, long before we knew that we had need. I thank you for providing the wood which heats our home. I thank you that in so doing you have eased the burden that heating our home with electricity might cause. I thank you for the warmth of the fire in the chill of the morning and in the cool of the evening. I thank you for my husbands hands, and those of his father which worked to chop and stack the wood. I thank you for my husbands diligence in kindling and preparing the fire daily. I thank you for your gracious Spirit which provides all things necessary for your saints. Through the blessed name of Jesus I pray.

This is Thanksgiving Week!
It’s a great time to join in the fun. Just add your link to the Inlinkz Tool below, grab the button, add it to your page and let us know what you are thankful for.
To see more of my posts See here: Great Peace Academy’s 30 Days to Give Thanks
To see my cohost’s posts See here: Davonne Parks 30 Days to Give Thanks
And Don’t Forget, Davonne is offering two 75 % off Coupon Codes for her e-book to all participants of this Link Up. You must Link your blog to the Link Up’s direct link and you must list your Thanksgivings in your link, to qualify. Links without thanksgivings will not qualitfy.