If you are a regular reader you already know that we are studying Birds this year. We are studying in Apologia’s Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day.
Through some of the extra links that the publisher provides for students via their website. I discovered, The Cornell University Lab of Ornithology’s Project Feeder Watch program. This is a program where regular people, like you and I watch and count the different species of birds that hang out at our feeder through the winter.
I registered and for a small fee, I was sent some basic materials which arrived today. I’m very much looking forward to doing this with Little Man.
Our feeder was empty so we added more seed today. We added an experiment also. We filled half the feeder with one kind of seed and the other half with another. The goal is to see which type of seed the birds prefer.

Within just a couple of hours, a new species showed up. The Dark-eyed Junco. I had never seen this species before. They are black all over, except for a white belly and very round. I saw 4 at one time. I have set up my video camera in hopes of catching more species when we are not right by the window and I am pleased that I did so because I got a good view of this new species. I was able then to rewind and show Jonathan. Which delights him that he gets to mark it in his field guide.
Do you keep a feeder near your home? Do you like to watch the birds? It’s not too late to join Project Feeder Watch. Who knows you might just find a new hobby, for you or your children.
30 Days to Give Thanks Day 20
Thankful for the Church
Today I am thankful for the church. I feel as if since facebook and blogging came into my life, the church has become both larger and smaller at the same time. Larger because I can connect with brothers and sisters from all over the world. Smaller because for the first time, we can communicate so easily, we pray for each other, we study with each other, we encourage each other and we honor the Lord together. I am amazed at how the Father is using this crazy internet media to bring his church closer together. But even with the convenience of modern communication, I still know this would not have been possible without some dear friends introducing us to a church lectureship series in Tennessee. It was there that I first found out about all of the great groups on facebook, it was through them that I discovered so many blogs written by dear brothers and sisters. I’m thankful everyday that God has put it into the hearts of his church to embrace the web networking capabilities to continue the spreading of His word into all the world.
But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed:
“Their sound has gone out to all the earth,
And their words to the ends of the world.”
Oh High and Holy Lord God, you amaze me each day. You gave to man a mind that is able to do so many amazing things. You have blessed man to have the knowledge to build computers, and then to use the computers for networking the world. Lord there are those who seek to use that man-made creation for evil, this you know full well. But there are also those of your kingdom who seek to do good, to speak truth and to spread the gospel of your son throughout the globe. Lord, I thank you for your church. I thank you for the fellowship of believers who have communed with your Spirit for well over 2000 years. Nations have sought to thwart it, Kings have sought to over throw it, but your kingdom is established forever. I thank you for the fellowship that has grown beyond homes, and buildings and have extended into the web of networking. I am thankful that the faithful have sought to spread the gospel through this media, once again showing O my King, that you are superior, that your kingdom goes beyond borders and boundaries, and lives and dwells within the hearts and souls of your children.
Thank you Father for salvation that comes through your Holy Son. May I reflect him in my life, in my blog and in every deed that I seek to do. Through Him I pray.
This is Thanksgiving Week!
It’s a great time to join in the fun. Just add your link to the Inlinkz Tool below, grab the button, add it to your page and let us know what you are thankful for.
And Don’t Forget, Davonne is offering two 75 % off Coupon Codes for her e-book to all participants of this Link Up. You must Link your blog to the Link Up’s direct link and you must list your Thanksgivings in your link, to qualify. Links without thanksgivings will not qualitfy.
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