Marriage Moment, This Kiss
Connecting with Your Husband
Do you remember that moment when he first kissed you? You know, him, the guy your married to. Was it an unexpected, ‘Oh wow, I can’t believe he did that.‘ moment? Or was it an exciting, curl your toes and make you swoon kind of moments?

A Kiss with Purpose
How long have you been married? If you have been married for more than a few years, I dare say you may have reached a point where a kiss, is routine. You might give a peck before parting and a quick greeting when you return to each other. Perhaps you kiss goodnight and then settle in for a night of sleep. I’m not talking about those intimate, in the bedroom, times. I’m talking about your daily greetings, partings and connecting as husband and wife.
Do you purpose your kisses? I mean, do you stop what your doing, and focus on that reconnection kiss? My guess is, and I speak as a woman who has been married for 22 years, that you don’t. My guess is, that you both give and get that kiss out of routine. It’s not that you don’t care, or that you don’t love, it’s that you have (most likely both of you) become complacent.
During that first week of your marriage, did you image you would ever be complacent about your kiss? Didn’t you think that you would be smooching till the proverbial cows came home? As we get older, and responsibilities become the focus of our lives, we forget the passion we shared in just a kiss.

A kiss Can Mean So Many Things
It Can…
- Be a Sign of Love
- Signify a Passionate Connection
- Show Affection
- Offer a Caring Acknowledgment
- Signal Understanding
- Be a Show of Respect
- Be a Sign of Gentleness
- Be a Wish for Better
- Be a Sorrowful Mourning
- Be a Loving Goodbye
- Be an Invitation for Intimacy
The list could go on because a kiss is personal to the two who share it. But we, as women, never imagined it would be complacent.
A few weeks ago, I was struck by the reality of complacency in kisses. It wasn’t my intention to be complacent and I’m sure it wasn’t my Beloved’s either. Yet, I noticed one day upon his return home that we gave a quick kiss hello. In my mind I was instantly taken back to our first year of marriage and how our hello kiss was not at all like that. So, I looked at him, leaned in, held his face and gave him a kiss, like I meant it.
He was as blown away as I was. In that moment, I made a decision to be more purposeful in our kisses. So today, I’m sharing with you some ways that I’ve made an extra effort to let him know I love him with just a kiss.
10 Tips to Make Marriage Kisses More Meaningful

1- Stop what you are doing.
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But the reality is we get distracted, or super focused on what’s before us, and tune out everything else. It might be watching TV, reading a book, cooking dinner, dealing with the kids, or spending time online, but to make your kiss more meaningful, stop what you are doing.
2- Focus just on the kiss.
Don’t be distracted by the above mentioned things. Your marriage should be the 2nd most important relationship in your life, (God through Christ being first). If it is, then nothing should distract you from sharing the kiss.
3- Lean into him.
He is a man, strong, and virile. Let him hold you for just a moment, as you lean into his kiss.
4- Hold his face
Or, wrap your fingers around his neck. Let him know you are giving him your full attention with a gentle, loving touch during the kiss.
5- Realize the special moment
Every kiss you share with your Beloved is special! Every One!
6- Hold the kiss.
Just a few seconds longer and he’ll take notice for sure.
7- Breath IN
Somehow breathing in during a kiss connects you on a deeper level.
8- Hug
Follow up that kiss with a big hug, let it linger for just a moment.
9- Look Him in the Eye
Connect with him and let him see the love in your eyes.
10- Tell Him you Love Him
He already knows it, you already know it, the kiss just confirmed it, yet, it needs to be heard. So take the few seconds it takes and say it.
See More Encouraging Marriage Moments

This post is part of the iHomeschool Network
Keeping Your Marriage Alive While Homeschooling.
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Matthew Blackwood
I remember, it was immediately after I told her that I loved her. An amazing moment that will live in my memories forever.
Renee Aleshire Brown
That is awesome Matthew! Now just be sure to keep kissing her like that!
Teresa Coelho
Renee this is very sweet,a beautiful reminder of not just that moment of the first kiss, but to forever cherish and hold true to all of them till death do you part. how many times in the mundane do we need to make our marriage kisses important to your marriage and family foundation.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Yes! It’s one of the foundational things. Not just a physical reconnection but a spiritual one, an agreement of love between the two who are one. 🙂
Lyli @3-D Lessons for Life
Fun post! I am a fan of kissing my man. 🙂
Renee Aleshire Brown
Me too. 🙂
Fishy Bird
This is such a sweet article, and I am glad to have found your blog. My family is now in recovery from a very rough past couple of years. My husband finally had neurosurgery to help get things better, and it explains why everything never made sense. While he was in his operation, I remember thinking how much I would miss his kisses if he were to not recover. My kiss goodbye to him that day was so powerful.
My kids don’t know this, but when they have fallen into deep sleep in the middle of the night, I check on them and kiss their foreheads. Thank you for shining a light on the importance of kisses.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me! I remember when I first got married a slightly older lady shared with me the importance of always parting by telling each other that you love them. She had a husband with a health issue and always wanted to ensure that they shared that in the event it would be for the last time. We Never Know When that last might come!
So reminding about Kisses is equally important isn’t it?