Choosing the Homeschool Life
Discover reasons why you might want to choose the homeschool life and important things to know as you make the decisions about your children's education.
Intimacy In and Out of the Marriage Bed
Marriage Moment: In the Marriage Bed Part III Intimacy is one of those words that takes on different meanings to each person. For some it’s a reference to a close spiritual relationship that develops between two individuals, for others it’s about friendship, while for some it’s about the affectionate relationship. The reality is all of those definitions are true. In the adjective form of the word, each of those definitions are accurate. But, there is another, the use of the word characterized by privacy, closely personal, rising from a close personal connection or familiar experience. Then there is the form of the word that indicates a very private relationship, the sexual relationship. I’ve discussed the…
She’s Trusting God to Supply Her Needs
I’d like to introduce you to homeschool mom, Dawn Cole. She is mom to 8 children. The oldest has graduated, the youngest is too young for school. That leaves 6 children that she is currently homeschooling at Cornerstone Christian Academy, they are in grades 12th, 10th, 7th, 4th, 3rd, and 1st. That is certainly quite an array of ages/grades to cover in one academic year isn’t it? When her oldest child was about to turn 5, Dawn dreaded the idea of sending her little girl away from home for school. Couple that with seeing others whose kids were struggling in that environment she tells me that her inner voice kept…
All Lives Matter Choose LIFE #ShoutYourAdoption
I am not one to delve into a political discussion on my blog. I have opinions, ideals and I do enough political monitoring to be able to make informed voting decisions. But when it comes to the day in day out political discussions happening around the web, I usually steer clear. Today, I’m pretty fired up. Seeing posts, tweets, and trends celebrating the murder of millions of innocent children, babes, well that sickens me. How did we become a society that devalues HUMAN LIFE so much that they want to shout it from the top of their lungs that they murdered their own child? Then God said, “Let Us make…
Is Christian Hospitality a Lifetime Commitment?
In the word of God we see hospitality both demonstrated and instructed. We only see the word hospitality in the Bible a few times, yet we see it demonstrated beautifully throughout the word of God. From the king and High Priest Melchizedek, through the beautiful stories of Jethro the father-in-law of Moses and Esther the unexpected queen, to the mother-in-law of Peter, the troubled Martha and the generous Lydia we learn that to be of God, means we show love and kindness to others as we open our homes and hearts to the world. Our Christian Responsibility Toward Hospitality Hospitality Demonstrated Throughout the Old Testament we see hospitality extended. Melchizedek, Genesis…
My Breakthrough Homeschool Life Perspective
My Homeschool Life Perspective Changed Recently, my life has been going through a change. I wrote about the new normal of my family a while ago, and since that time, things have continued to change for me. With change in a mom’s life also comes change in a child’s life. This has allowed me a chance to reflect on what matters most in life. What I’ve discovered is that book learning is the least important life lesson a child can learn, the Holy Bible being the one exception to that conclusion. 3 Homeschool Life Perspective Goals Every Christian Homeschooler Should Have I remember a while ago a lady that I…
How the Challenge of Love is Grief
When Life Leads to Heartbreak The past 6 months, beginning on January 26th, life has been busy for me. Remember when I told you about how life has taken on a new normal? Following that blog post, my father continued to recover from the struggles of that illness and the major surgery that he experienced. He was in the hospital, well 4 different hospitals, for a total of 91 days, including in hospital med-rehab. He was finally able to go home with the assistance of home health and the help of his four children. My siblings and I set up a rotating schedule that allowed one of us to be…
When Life Leads to Tears
I haven’t written here about all that’s going on with my life right now. There are many reasons why I haven’t written, yet there were many times I wanted to open my heart and share with you. If you haven’t noticed I haven’t been online much lately. Some posts have gone out which were pre-scheduled. Some were works in progress that I hastily finished up to keep the blog looking fresh. And many of my social media posts were pre-scheduled as well. But, personally, I’ve been away. I’ve been away for about 8 weeks, away from blogging, away from homeschooling, away from home, away from my normal life. That’s because I’m living…