10 MORE Ways to Study the Periodic Table of Elements
Science can be dry and boring. Or, it can be an exciting hands-on adventure. And the periodic table is no exception. Oh sure, that table is full of what could be dull facts that can make many the student’s head swirl with boredom. But, that table also contains a lot of fascinating information. I wrote previously about 10 cool ways to study the periodic table and it’s become one of the most searched out posts on my site. There are some cool ideas there and you should really check it out. But first, I decided to bring you another 10 ways to study the periodic table. This post contains affiliate…
10 Cool Ways to Study the Periodic Table in Homeschool
I remember in school having to memorize sections of the periodic table. I remember thinking how boring it was. I also remember that I would memorize what I needed to know for the test, but would forget most of it, if not all of it, after the test was over. As you know Young Man has one of those minds that loves to absorb facts. He digests information like most women digest chocolate, with much passion. Over the years I’ve watched as he applies his mind to study of various things and been amazed because he will recall those bits of information years later at seemingly random times. That’s how…