This Week… Back to Some Routine?
A Slow Return to Normal
This week we were home. AH! A whole week for Little Man and I of not travelling. Beloved only travelled for work one day and didn’t spend the night. It really was a slow week for us, especially after all of the hectic travel of the past several weeks.

It’s not easy to get back into a routine after such hectic-ness. But we did try. Little Man also has been doing some work around the house with his dad. He learned to drive the lawn tractor this week. Oh My! Be still this mom’s heart, proud and nervous all at the same time.
Monday was a gym day. Little Man loves gym, on Monday I’ll be talking about that a bit, so stop back and see why he loves it so much.
Continuing on in our Growing Up in God’s Word, Life of Christ part 2, Jonathan finished up the lesson on the parables of the lost and moved into the resurrection of Lazarus. I can’t tell you how surprised I was by how much he was excited about this lesson. Maybe it’s because he is a boy and we were talking about dead people coming to life again. But, I would rather think it’s because he is in awe of our Lord Jesus and the power of his Word.
Are you doing Khan Academy? That is what we use and I talk about it a lot. This week Little Man discovered that K.A. has mastery of the lower elementary math as well as what he has been working through all year. I mean, seriously, it stands to reason that if your child can solve a 3 step algebraic equation that he has mastered simple addition. But the new K.A. program doesn’t fill in those boxes, so Little Man wants to show mastery in all areas. So it was review for him this week. Seriously!
Language Arts:
So I told you last week that I picked up some Evan Moor language arts books from an education supply store. I am really liking these. The daily paragraph editing excercises are firming up for him his grammar. He thinks they are easy and breezes through them. Yet, when he overlooks one or two, he takes instruction from me without getting mad. That is huge for a child with emotional excitabilities. It allows him to learn, improve without the pressure of perfection because it’s not his work we are editing, it is someone else’s.

I also got a “Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs” workbook. So far these are working well too. I think because he is building off of what is already there, rather than having to come up with new sentences. This week he learned about clauses and combining sentences using clauses.
For science we hopped back into Swimming Creatures lesson 7. Yes, I know we are only half way through the book and it’s April. Sigh. I suppose we will continue, I say reluctantly, through the summer. That being said, we continued learning about sharks this week. +Jeannie Fulbright posted a beautiful picture of sharks this week on her G+ account. Too bad, that nay sayers hopped on and attempted to thwart her testimony.

Anyway he studied about shark teeth as well as their enlongated bodies, fusiform shape, that allow them to swim strong and fast. We studied about the different orders within the shark family. I must say I was unaware that there are so many different kinds of sharks.
This week we began reading “The Secret Garden.” I gave him the option of several, and this was his pick. I’m doing it as a read aloud, because we are reading it on Kindle. But I love the story too, so I am happy to join in and read it with him.

We started doing programming using Khan Academy’s computer programming. Little Man is really loving this. He is excited to see that with a few keystrokes he can make things appear on the screen.
Overall it was a good week. A slow return to routine, but routine nonetheless. Next week, well it’s convention week. Beloved and I are going to Great Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati and he will be staying with Ms. Joyce. I’m not sure what I’m going to do for those days, whether he gets time off or I send school work with him. It will be a decision made on Wednesday based on what his early week has been like.
Are you going to convention? Send me a tweet, fb, or email and let me know. I’d love bump into you and meet IRL.
How was your homeschool week? Link up below and share your homeschool week in review.

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Looks like you had a great week. We will be doing science this summer, too, if that makes you feel any better. I love the shark picture.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Ah summer school. Not a gan of year round. Maybe a good break is in order.
Heather F.
Looks like a great week! I love the picture of the shark teeth! LOL. Thanks for hosting the link-up.
Renee Aleshire Brown
LOL it is a not dramatic. That’s what you get with boys and sharks.