5 Minute Friday – Join in Praise
It’s Five Minute Friday. I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for a free flowing write from the heart type of post. Lisa provides the topic, God provides the 5 minutes and I supply the words.
Today’s Topic: Join
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This past week I have been attending a church conference in Sevierville TN. I was able to join with over 2500 members of the Lord’s body in worship, study and praise to God our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. The experience is one that after my first trip a year ago I made new choices that changed how I see my life in the Body that is joined with Christ. I changed. I mean that literally. I changed how I view my role in the body. I changed how I would work, because I no longer work to please others, I work to please and serve Him.
The best part about this weekend was on Sunday morning when my voice was joined with 1500 other voices as we lifted up our voices to praise the Father in the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Col. 3:15 singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. Eph….
The chorus of 1500 voices in unity of spirit was so beautiful that tears came to my eyes and I for a moment thought how beautiful it will be to stand in heaven with all the saints and angels and lift our voices joined as one for eternity.