Architectural Field Trips to Explore in Missouri | Great Peace Academy

Missouri Architectural Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Architectural field trips may not be your cup of tea, but if you have boys who are interested in building with LEGO bricks, K’Nex rods, Magnetix or even Minecraft they may perhaps have an engineering mind like my son does. Which is why I’m sharing this architectural field trips to explore in Missouri list. 

Architectural Field Trips to Explore in Missouri | Great Peace Academy

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Field trips, those two words are either an exciting prospect to a homeschooling mom, or serve as another must do check off the list of to-dos for others. For kids field trips can be fun, educational and can serve that all important socialization requirement. 

Ideally, a field trip will be both fun and educational. We want our kids to learn to expand their areas of knowledge but if they are bored they are less likely to do so. So, when we find a trip that allows both fun and learning to occur chances are our children will remember both the experience and the bits of education instilled during the trip.

When we moved to Missouri our family was excited by the prospect of a fresh start. What we didn’t realize until after the move is that perhaps this move will serve as springboard for my son’s future career.

He has been fascinated by architecture for a long time and over the years his curiosity about the field of study has continued to increase. In other words his passion has grown beyond LEGO Bricks and K’Nex rods to real life structures.

Architectural Field Trips to Explore in Missouri | Great Peace Academy

The first time we spent time driving around our new city we were very excited to discover the variety of architectural engineering to observe and explore. I mean did you know that Kansas City, Missouri is filled with beautiful buildings? I mean, BEAUTIFUL. Many buildings are designed in a Spanish style. But, there are also many fascinating works of engineering that make my jaw drop.

Turns out, Missouri is a state with a wealth of architectural experiences. 


I’ve since learned of 2 members of our local church congregation who are architects. I’ve also discovered that one of that there are schools of architectural engineering in the area. So, perhaps the reason we have moved here is for more than just my husband’s jobs.

I’ve been gathering a list of buildings, sites and local places both here in the city as well as across the state to visit. I think doing so will help my son to be inspired and continue to help him grow his passion for the field of study.

Architectural Field Trips to Explore in Missouri

Architectural Field Trips to Explore in Missouri | Great Peace Academy


Jefferson City

Kansas City


Poplar Bluff

Saint Louis

I’ve just discovered this blog filled with additional ideas, A Sometime Architourist. This is my first time to research this vast oppotunity of architectural wonders in this state. I suspect I’m going to continue to discover hidden must see treasures througout the state because I’m just starting to realize how many architectural firms, schools and visionaries have lived in the state. I may have to follow up with a second post soon.

Being new to Missouri I’m still discovering all of the other types fantastic field trips for homeschoolers. I can’t wait to both explore the state, and the neighboring states and share what I discover with you. In fact just today Young Man and I will be going to the Sea Life Aquarium.

Here are some posts about field trips for homeschoolers to explore in Ohio.

What are your favorite field trips? Share your best one in comments.

Renée at Great Peace Academy




This post is part of iHomeschool Network’s How to Homeschool Creatively.


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This post is part of iHomeschool Network’s Best Homeschool Field Trips link up.



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