Repurpose Leftovers
Being Intentional with Extra Food Being Intentional to Repurpose Leftovers No matter how good a planner you are, or how precise your measurements may be, as a home-cook there will be days where you will have leftover foods. Perhaps this is one of the biggest areas of wasted food there is in this country. Most of us do not like eating for more than one day in a row. Often leftovers get re-purposed for lunch the next day. That is a great re-use of a dinner meal. But what do you do if you have more than that left over? Tips for Repurposing Leftovers Left over meats can be frozen and…
My Go To Meals
Quick and Easy Meals As a part of my meal planning series I’m sharing some of my favorite pantry products as affiliate links. You can find these products at amazon.com and if you choose you can purchase them there. Which will earn me a small commission. Thanks for supporting Great Peace Academy. Sometimes I just don’t want to cook. Sometimes, I just want someone else to decide what the meal will be. But the reality is, I’m the wife and mom. The reality is, it is my responsibility to provide meals for my family. It really is my good pleasure and for the most part I find peace in the…
My Favorite Recipes
Utilizing my Stocked Kitchen Because we are talking about meal planning I’m sharing kitchen products that I find useful in my home. These may help you in your in your meal preparation. These links will lead you to other sites where if you like, you can purchase what I’ve recommended. Doing so doesn’t cost you any extra it simply earns me a commission, which is how I help to support my family. I want to share with you some of my favorite recipes. These are recipes that I can make based upon what I keep in my well-stocked kitchen. If I am out of an ingredient, I either don’t make the recipe…
Free Meal Planning Printables
Planning to Stock Up Your Kitchen Meal planning is an area of homemaking where many women struggle. We know it’s a daily necessity. Yet it meal time often seems to sneak up on us. As a wife, mom, and homeschooler we generally have to plan 21 meals every week, plus snacks, and desserts. Then there are times we even entertain guests. To help you in your planning efforts I’m sharing some free meal planning printables. If you’ve been following this meal planning series you have come to learn that my method of meal planning consists of keeping a well stocked kitchen. Then I make daily choices based upon what I have…
Working with your Kitchen Stock
Stretching Your Kitchen Stock to the Max When meal planning there are some kitchen items that use often to help me maximize my productivity. As an affiliate marketer I am sharing some of those items here in my post with you my reader. If you link to the external site and choose to purchase those items, I earn a small commission. This is just one more way that I help to provide for my family. Waste Not. Want Not. A penny saved is a penny earned. A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. I know these are platitudes but they stem from a reality. We…
Freezing for Keeping
Freezing Makes for Easy Meal Preparation Since I’m sharing information about Meal Planning with you I also want to share with you information about products that I think would be of benefit to you and your family. I do this by including affiliate links within my post. These links will take you to external sites where if you choose you can purchase the items. This along with stretching my families food supplies through freezing is just one more way that I help to support my family. In my humble opinion there is no better appliance than the freezer. Walk down the aisle at most grocery stores and you will find…
How I Stock Up with Canning
Extending Good Deals Throughout the Year Home canning is a good way to extend your purchased groceries for a longer period of time. Since I love canning and think that it’s easy and anyone can do it, I want to share with you some of my recommendations for canning products. You can find them at the bottom of this post. This post contains affiliate advertisement links to 3rd party sites. For hundreds of years homemakers have used the process of canning to preserve food. For many canning is as much a part of life as is eating. Especially if they also garden. Canning allows cooks to extend foods that are…
Meal Planning by Keeping a Well Stocked Kitchen
Meal Planning with Ready Supply for Meal Flexibility Keeping a well stocked pantry means meal planning is easy. You’ll find that when you maintain a supply of foods you’ll discover that you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll have what you need to get dinner on the table. I love to cook, I love that I can express how I’m feeling through food the food I provide for my family. I love providing satisfying meals but I don’t like being held to a pre-formulated plan.I mean what if the plan says meatloaf, but I’m just not feeling like making a meatloaf? That is why I plan each…