Every Life is Beautiful

Do you believe every life is beautiful? You should. Scripture teaches us  in Psalm 127:3&4 ” Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior so are th children of ones youth.”

 When I think of the choices available to my beautiful son’s birth mother, I get sick to my stomach. I’m so very grateful that she chose life! Because when he looks into my eyes with his pure innocent blue ones and says “I love you mom.” I know that every life is beautiful. I know God has a purpose for him and because he was given a chance at life, he has the opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose.

We do not know each man’s purpose except that he is to fear God and keep his commandments but every life can and will effect the lives of others as Esther the Queen learned “…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b Do you know why you have come? Do you know why your child has come? Esther saved the Hebrew family from complete annihilation.
God gives us our children. He is the Creator of life. Every life is beautiful. Choose life.

I am shamelessly promoting this movie because I know every life is beautiful. I want everyone who believes this to purpose to see this movie, to make it a box office best seller! I want Hollywood, this country, the government, the world to know that EVERY LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. And that more people believe this than those who believ the alternative, that life is a “choice.”www.octoberbabymovie.net

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