Five Minute Friday: Again
Over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog we join forces to write from a given topic for 5 minutes flat… no editing, no re-do’s just pure writing.
Today’s topic: Again
Again I have taken on more than I can handle at one time. I do it over and over again. My momma taught me to love with all of my heart, to hold nothing back. More often than not doing this leads me down too many roads at once. Or they seem like too many roads. The truth, my truth is that it’s one long road with a lot of twists and turns in small increments.
I’m on the road to heaven. Jesus said the way is straight and narrow. So the twists and turns are only in my imagination. Perhaps a better way to describe it is a lot of hills and valleys. Right now the hills are everywhere with each step I take. I’ve been told I should say “no” more. I’ve been told “you take on too much.” I’ve been told I should slow down.
But scripture tells me… “Do unto others.” “Love One Another for Love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God” “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” I’m choosing to follow God’s path, I’m choosing to follow His commands. Love as He loves me. Give as He gives to me, for I am not worthy of His love, but I shall love others as He loves me, with all of My heart, again and again and again