
Five Minute Friday:Roots & 30 Days Link Ups

The crest of the mountain in
whose shadow I grew up.

Love to write? Me too! That’s why on Friday’s I join in with the flash mob over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s The Gypsy Mama Blog to spend 5 glorious moments writing freestyle. Unencumbered by silly things like grammar and editing, well not much editing anyway. Funny how the 5-Minute prompt this week goes along with my 30 Days to Give Thanks Link also. I wrote that one first then popped over to Lisa-Jo’s blog to see what the prompt was.

Today’s: Roots 

This past year a dear friend allowed me to use her account to do a little family root digging. What I discovered was amazing. My roots run so deep and have been well researched over the years. They are buried down to kings in Scotland and England, they reach out to France and Prussia as well. As they grew up toward the present they were found in the building of the Maryland colony, the New York and Virginia colonies, they touched upon Pennsylvania and came to grow in of what is now the state of West Virginia where my roots sprung forth into the life of what is now our family tree. I was surprised to learn how closely related I am to the Hatfields of the Hatfields and McCoys fued. I was surprised to learn that it was one of the great-grandfathers that was credited with developing the county my family now calls home.

It’s good to know the roots that feed the mighty tree that my holds my small branch. It is large and complex with many branches that intertwine in a glorious beauty that only those within it’s shade can truly appreciate.

But all of that is nothing compared to the root that means the most to me. The root of my salvation, the root of my future… Jesus Christ is the first, the last, the alpha and the omega. He is my beginning and my end. Glory to my Root.


Five Minute Friday

30 Days to Give Thanks Link Up

I’m teaming up with my friend Davonne Parks to co-host this Month’s Link-Up blog hop. All month long we are posting daily about what we are thankful for. All participants will receive for a limited time offer of TWO 75% off coupon codes for her book, 28 Days to Timeliness. Won’t you join us in remembering thankfully the blessings that God has bestowed upon each of us.

Grab a button and Join in the fun:

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

1 Chronicles 16:8
Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!”

Today I am thankful for: The blessing of my parents. Mom and Dad are loving, gentle and kind souls who strive daily to serve God. Because of their love for Him they worked to teach all four of their children about His word hoping and prayerfully praying that one day all will become faithful servants as well. I am thankful for their love, their encouragement and their teaching me to honor God above all else.

Father God, I thank and praise you for your omnipotent knowledge. I am so very grateful that you placed me in the arms of loving faithful servants. I am thankful that though they are aging they still faithfully work in your kingdom as a light to those around them. You are precious to me as my heavenly father, thank you for also giving me into the hands of these precious souls to be their earthly daughter. In the name of your precious Son, Jesus Christ I pray this prayer.

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