Last Day of Giving Thanks & Five Mintue Friday: Wonder
It’s November 30th. This is the last day of the 30 Days to Give Thanks Link-up. It has been a journey of exploration for me. I’m so glad that I did this.
Today: I am thankful for the breath of Life. Have you ever stopped and considered your breath? For just a moment, take a very deep breath, hold it and then slowly let it out. Your life is in that breath. Without the ability to breathe you have no life. I have complete faith that it is only by the will of God that I have breath. He sustains it, He breathes it into us. He creates and sustains the very air which we breathe and by His will we continue to have the breath of life. Without Him creating, breathing, sustaining we would not exist, we would not be, there would be nothing at all.
Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

I thank you Lord, for breathing into me the breath of life. I thank you that you continue to sustain all that is necessary on this world that allows me to take each breath. From the growing and populating of plants which absorb the waste of my breath and then cycles that very breath back so that I have pure clean oxygen to breath, Your creation is completely and utterly amazing. It is by your very will that I have the ability to inhale and to exhale as well. Had you not created vegetation our bodies would be overcome with poisonous gas and we would quickly lose the precious clean air which we breath. How marvelous are Your ways. They are too wonderful for man to comprehend. Thank you dear Father for each and every moment that I have, that my breath continues within me. To You be praise and glory and power forever through the Holy and Blessed Name of Christ Jesus my Savior, I pray.
It’s 5-Minute Friday, I and a couple hundred other bloggers link up with Lisa-Jo and have a writing party. It’s simple really. Lisa-Jo gives us the topic, we then use 5-minutes of uninterrupted, unscripted time, to simply write. No going back and re-doing, no stopping and starting again. Just writing.
Here Goes. Today’s Topic: Wonder.
Barren Wonder
I forever will wonder what it feels like to feel movement within that is not from my own body, but the movements of a child growing.
I forever will wonder how the body changes and adapts to such a transition of life.
I forever will wonder what it would be like to hear a newborn cry for the first time as they take their very first breath of life.
I forever will wonder what the eyes of a newborn from my own body would look like. I imagine my husbands eyes.
I forever will wonder why it was not to be for me.
I forever will wonder, marvel even at the seemingly ease with which some find themselves with child, while others who so long can not share in that experience.
I forever will wonder at the amazing way which He still brought joy to my heart and offer my prayer to Him with thankfulness that He found me worthy for that unexpected blessing and prayer too as I seek Him for comfort when my heart is sad and no one else in the world knows my heart and can provide me comfort like He can.
I wonder. I truly wonder.