Marriage Challenge: Think About How You Dress
Day 1 of our 5 Day Marriage Challenge has you focusing on your husband’s visual response to you. Remember when you and your spouse were dating? Remember what it felt like when you were prepping for a date? Remember how careful you were in the way you dressed, in an attempt to please him?
It’s that thought that I want you to hold in the forefront of your mind every day for 5 days as you get dressed for the day. How you dress matters, maybe not as much as other more important things, but your husband responds to visual things. Impress him.
Too often we get caught up in what’s easy, convenient and comfortable when we get dressed. Those long homeschooling days we want comfort over style. We choose ease rather than something eye catching. But, he’s your husband and you want to please him.
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Consider carefully what he admires when you dress. I’m not saying you have to get dressed to the nines. But, if he prefers you in jeans and a dress shirt rather than sweats and a t-shirt, then a simple change on your part might make an entirely different welcome home each evening.
Ideas for Thinking about How You Dress
1- Think about your overall appearance.
It’s simple really. If you were going out in public, to an appointment or a lunch with a friend, you’d get dressed, brush your hair, maybe do a bit of makeup.
But, when we get overly comfortable in our own homes, and get caught up in the busy-ness of mothering and homeschool, we get lax in the way of self-care. It’s just easier to skip a shower, skip the make up, clip our hair up, etc.. Are you getting a bath/shower each day?
When he comes home from work, do you have your hair brushed? Do you consider that the overall appearance you are presenting to your husband is as you would want it to be if you were out in public?
Think carefully about how you are presenting yourself to your husband, is your appearance one of care?
2- Think about what you are wearing.
I’m not suggesting rhinestones and high heels everyday. I am suggesting careful consideration of dressing in a way that your husband will find attractive.
Discover the casual, yet stylish, fashion I recommend on Amazon
It might be flowing skirts, peasant shirts, or jeans with a t-shirt and scarf. The point is, you can stay casual and still be attractive to your man.
A little lip gloss goes a long way. Simply applying a lite coat of lip gloss, or tinted chap stick will keep your lips soft and kissable.
4- Think carefully about your undergarments.
Remember what he likes, under there. That little surprise that you have reserved just for him, soft and sensual, will make you feel more soft, more feminine, and thus help you to realize that you are his wife.
When he gets a peak, or glimpse, or discovers what you’ve kept hidden underneath all day, he’ll be thrilled.
5- Think carefully about what you wear to bed at night.
Are you wearing old p.j’s that are torn, or a worn out old t-shirt?
While comfortable, I am sure it’s less than stimulating for your man. Perhaps being a bit more considerate of what you wear to bed at night, for these 5 days will help reignite the fire of passion in your relationship.
How are you dressing, for your husband? What special ways do you ensure you are appealing to his eyes? Is it something you consider as you dress for the day.
Today’s Task
1- Before your husband gets home from work today, take a shower and shave your legs.
2- Dress in something casual but still appealing to his eye. Be sure to consider how you dress from the foundation up, brush your teeth, your hair, and apply a little lip gloss.
3- When he get’s home. Be sure to kiss him with a welcoming kiss and relax beside your man for the rest of the evening.
What about you? Have you noticed that you’ve become a bit complacent when it comes to how you dress for the day? Do you just simply feel that he loves you so it doesn’t really matter?
While it’s true that he loves you no matter what you are dressed in, the reality is our men are stimulated visually. And by showing just a little extra care in how we dress can go a long way to reconnecting with our husband’s heart once again.
Join me for all of the 5 Day Marriage Challenge.
Follow this Pinterest Board for ideas for casual dress ideas.
- This post is part of the iHomeschool Network Keeping Your Marriage Alive While Homeschooling.
- This post series is a part of iHomeschool Network’s Summer Hopscotch.