My 10 Favorite Pinterest Boards
Pinterest Boards for Homeschool & Family Encouragement
I am a huge Pinterest fan! I find myself perusing it to relax after going to bed, and I can get in quite a few pins before I’m ready to fall asleep. Pinterest is probably the fastest growing social media and bookmarking site ever! That’s because of the fantastic images that allow you to quickly reference what your bookmarks are about.
I know many of you are Pinterest buffs too, that’s why I wanted to take some time to make sure you are following my 10 favorite Pinterest boards. These are the ones I pin to most often.
Pinterest Board: Little Man’s Mom
Pinterest Board: Bible Based Learning
Pinterest Board: Homeschool Encouragement
Follow Great Peace Academy’s board Homeschool Encouragement on Pinterest.
Pinterest Board: Gifted & Advanced Learners Pinterest Board
Pinterest Board: Keeper @ Home Pinterest Board
Follow Great Peace Academy’s board Keeper @ Home on Pinterest.
Pinterest Board: Marriage Moment
Pinterest Board: Scienterrific Science
Pinterest Board: Reading for Real
Follow Great Peace Academy’s board Reading for Real on Pinterest.
Pinterest Board: Art N Harmony
Follow Great Peace Academy’s board Art N Harmony on Pinterest.
Pinterest Board: Free Printables & Resources
Follow Great Peace Academy’s board Free Printables & Resources on Pinterest.

Join my fellow bloggers from The Homeschool Post as we share our favorite boards from Pinterest.

Misty B
I thought I already followed you, but guess not 🙂 Your Keepers at Home board spoke to me! Follow now!
Renee Aleshire Brown
Maybe you follow me on my personal account? I love my Keepers at Home board as well. It’s such a gentle reminder to me of my God-given role and inspires me to work at developing a warm and inviting home for my family. Thanks for the follow Misty!