• Homeschool

    30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 8 Thankful for Homeschool

    30 Days to Give Thanks Link Up Today I am thankful for the right to home-school my child. I’m thankful that I live in a country where I can choose to seek alternative forms of education. I’m grateful that our founding fathers laid forth a plan that would establish freedoms that would last for hundreds of years, and that over time those within the government would continue to build upon those foundations. We are a nation of freedom and even though their are many who are seeking to thwart those freedoms, we are still free to educate our children in our homes, teaching the scriptures and doctrine as we deem…

  • Curriculum

    Homeschool Share Resource & 30 Days to Give Thanks Day 7

    I love Homeschool Share. It is a free website that offers unit studies, lapbooks and Five in a Row resources. The Homeschool Share team has put together a super great resource for homeschooling families. Can’t find what you are looking for? That’s ok, you can still print off lapbook templates and then use them to make up your own lapbook unit study. Then you can share them on the site for others to use. Through Pinterest I came across this Egypt Lapbook which is perfect for helping me tie together all of the information that I have been filling Little Man’s head with. I’ve been to Homeschool Share so many times. I use…

  • Homeschool

    USA Election Day 30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 6

    Don’t Forget to Vote!!!Today I am grateful to God the Father that I am privileged to live in a country where I have the right to cast my ballot. I’m thankful that I have the right to express my thoughts, beliefs, opinions and morality both in speech and in the election booth. I’m grateful that I live in a country where the people still have the right to choose who will be their leaders and that we have a government of the people for the people and by the people. As I head to the polls today, I pray that God will guide my hand to choose those who seek…

  • Family

    Five Minute Friday:Roots & 30 Days Link Ups

    The crest of the mountain in whose shadow I grew up. Love to write? Me too! That’s why on Friday’s I join in with the flash mob over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s The Gypsy Mama Blog to spend 5 glorious moments writing freestyle. Unencumbered by silly things like grammar and editing, well not much editing anyway. Funny how the 5-Minute prompt this week goes along with my 30 Days to Give Thanks Link also. I wrote that one first then popped over to Lisa-Jo’s blog to see what the prompt was. Today’s: Roots Go.This past year a dear friend allowed me to use her Ancestry.com account to do a little family root…