10 Must Have Homeschooling Books for Mom and Dad
Homeschooling, as a homeschool mom who started out scared to death that I’d mess up my boy and has grown into a mom who after 8 years is ever-growing in the work, knowledge and joy of homeschooling I know that all along the way there are both challenges and rewards. Whatever part of the path you find yourself on, you can rest assured that someone, somewhere has walked ahead of you and left a bit of knowledge behind to help you get ahead. Homeschooling today is a lot different from when I started out. It seems that there are more and more curriculum choices and resources being developed every day.…
Dear Mom of Little Ones
An Open Letter for the Mom of Little Ones I watch you and see that you feel overwhelmed. Being a mom to little ones can be hard, exhausting work. I know sometimes it feels as if you’ll never sleep again. I understand that you often feel alone, as if, no one truly understands how it feels. I perceive that you never imagined that this is what the day in and day out of parenting looks like. I know sometimes you cry because you spend an entire day singing toddler songs from Disney or Nick Jr. over and over and over and over again, and again. I know you would like to have an…