Prioritizing Time with Your Husband during Busy Times
People these days lead extremely busy lives. From emails piling in each morning to getting the children to music lessons life can just seem too busy. You know that marriage is a top priority for me. I believe if we are going to save marriages wives and husbands have to remember to be actively working together for a common purpose. In fact, it can seem downright impossible. The truth is though, prioritizing time with your husband during busy times is incredibly important. Because of being overly busy, many wives are finding it harder and harder to prioritize time with their husbands. Other wives feel they shouldn’t have to bear all…
10 Things to NOT Do When Your Husband is a Loner
When your husband is a loner, you may find yourself struggling with certain situations. From social gatherings to your own personal needs, it isn’t uncommon to feel frustrated as you attempt to navigate your marriage. The truth is though, your loner husband may also be feeling a little lost, especially when you try to force certain issues. There are some things not to do when your husband is a loner. Avoiding doing these things will make your marriage that much easier for both of you to navigate.
5 Date Night Ideas When Your Husband is a Loner
If you are married to a loner, you may be craving a date night. Especially if you are an extrovert. You see, while your husband may prefer to stay home and away from social situations, sometimes you just want to get out and participate in some fun and romantic time, even if it is just the two of you. So how do you come up with fun date night ideas when your husband is a loner? The truth is, it isn’t that difficult. In fact, overthinking it will only add undue stress. While many believe that a date night has to revolve around crowded restaurants, or participating in big events…
100 Proven Ways to Have a Stronger Marriage
A marriage is a living entity. It grows and changes over time. It is two people working together to in a symbiotic relationship. But, just as anything without proper sustenance, without proper care, it can become stagnant. That doesn’t mean it’s dead, it is still possible to grow a stronger marriage. Daily, you have the freedom to choose. You can decide to work toward stronger marriage. And, you can choose how you will love your husband. It’s a powerful choice. Your attitude about your marriage can serve as an essential building block for a long-lasting marriage. One that is sustained by love, joy and peace. This post contains affiliate advertisement links…
How to Set your Heart Free from a Prison of Overabundance
Are You Imprisoned by Abundance? Have you ever looked around at American culture and noticed how much we truly have? From grocery store shelves to transportation to technology, our choices seem endless. Secular education is available to all, and jobs exist in fields I would never have imagined. Yet, in all this overabundance we are dissatisfied. The Struggle with Overabundance Someone else always has a bigger income or a nicer house or more popular clothes. Women, especially moms, exist in a pressure cooker of expectations. We are expected to work outside the home because we are told that success means having more and better than everyone else, while at the…
Marriage Challenge: Focus on His Needs
In this Marriage Challenge, Day 2, we’re going to focus on his needs. Learn to walk beside him, helping him, and ensuring he has what he needs. In the everyday of life we get caught up in meeting the needs of everyone around us. Sometimes it’s the needs of our children, other times it’s the needs of friends or neighbors. We might even discover that we are so busy doing work for the church, acts of service, and general charitable deeds for others that we realize we’ve missed the mark when it comes to being a wife.
5 Day Marriage Challenge | Win the Love of His Heart, Again
Do you ever feel concerned that your losing grasp on your marriage? In a time where divorce is as easy as a simple signature on a piece of paper, we must truly be diligent to secure our marriage relationships. Scroll down to join in this 5 Day Marriage Challenge. As homeschool moms, we often find ourselves caught up in the day to day role of parent and teacher and before we know it we look around and our marriage has taken a back seat to our children. It’s just easier to focus on them, than it is to focus on him. We must remember that our first…