The Light of the World
On the first day of creation, God said “Let there be light, and there was light.” Have you ever taken time to think about that? I’d like to ask you a question to consider. What is the source of that light? One might say, The sun, it is the light of the earth. God must have created it first. If we continue reading through the Genesis one passage we learn that it was on the 4th day of creation that He created the sun, the moon and the stars, (Genesis 1:14-19). So that takes us back to the first day and leaves the question unanswered. What was the source of the light that He created on the first day?
Moving forward into the New Testament scriptures the idea comes into clearer focus. Specifically speaking let’s take a look at first chapter of the book of John.
As you can see here the inspired author, John, is specifically referring back to the beginning. He is saying in the beginning the Word was with God and was in fact God. Then he goes on to explain that all things were made through HIM. Think about that for a moment. I mean really let that thought roll around in your mind. …
Everything that was made; was made through HIM. “In HIM was life and life was the light of men, and the light shines in darkness” remember back in Genesis, “the earth was without form and void and darkness were on the face of the deep” There was no earthly form, there was only void which literally means empty and in the emptiness there was darkness. But then John explains that the “light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.” This, I think, is key dear readers. If we are reading this as a physical light, and a physical darkness then why is the inspired Apostle John referencing comprehension? To comprehend means to understand to have knowledge of. So, if the darkness didn’t comprehend the light, is John truly referring to something physical? OR is he perhaps referring to the spirits of light and darkness. In other words, light being Christ and darkness being Satan. Looking through the passage it seems clear that John is referring to Christ, he is the WORD, He is the light of men, in Him is life, everything that was made was made through Him and He is the LIGHT.
I just love the book of John. He weaves the gospel of Christ so beautifully. He starts from the beginning of creation and threads the I Am statements throughout. Here we see, Jesus himself declaring the He is the “light of the world.” If we follow him we will have the light of life.
You may be thinking…’this is really deep, why does it even matter?’ That’s a good question. You see, I think it matters in the scheme of God’s plan for mankind. Think about eternity for a moment. Eternity has no beginning, no end. It simply, Is. So why then did God decide to create a world for mankind to live in? What’s the purpose? The book of Jude gives us a bit of a glimpse into the eternal world.
At some point in the eternal realm there were angels who made a choice to not keep their proper domain. To me that means that they did not do what they were created to do.
Thus, for the first time in all of eternity a separation occured. Satan and his angels were separated from heaven and no place was found for them, so they were cast out to the earth. This separation created a chasm between God and Satan. There was now good and evil. They were cast into everlasting chains ‘under darkness.’ Darkness, which was found in the void, in the chasm separating heaven with God and the void which separated Satan.
But, there is good news. God said, “Let there be light.” Simple. He said it. It happened, Light. There was now a need for light because there was now darkness which stems from Satan and his angels. God had and still has a plan. His plan from the beginning was to send light into the world, into the darkness. His plan was to send His Son, the Word, the Light from heaven to the darkness. He planned to create a people, a mankind and his only purpose in doing so was for them to have choice, free will. He wants them to choose to honor and praise Him, because He IS. He doesn’t need man. He existed and will continue to exist long before mankind was created by Him. He will not force mankind to obey. He will not force them to choose Him. Instead, He chose to send His Light into the darkness, but the darkness did not comprehend God’s plan for the world. He sent his Light, His only begotten Son to redeem a people who would choose to follow Him.
Are you a part of the chosen generation? Have you chosen to obey Him?
Today I’m Linking up with…
All Scripture references are taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.