
This Week… Beginning the Wind-Down

This was one of those weeks that I just simply love. Little Man worked diligently on his own with little complaining. In fact he finished his entire week in 3 days. That makes for an easy week, esp. since we decided to go out of town from Thursday through Monday morning. So no need to worry about schooling. We are sort of in school wind-down mode anyway. He has completed his spelling curriculum and he finished Bible this week as well. He also finished reading the Iliad for Boys and Girls. So we will do some more

immersion into Ancient Greek History along with his Art study and he will find those to be fun.


Joshua has completed the conquest of Canaan and this week Little Man read his final speech in Joshua 24. I’ll continue teaching him about the judges over the summer, but he won’t necessarily be required to do lessons on a weekly basis. He reads scripture on his own well anyway and we do a nightly family Bible study, so I know he will continue to be immersed in the word.

We focused a lot on writing structure of sentences this week. He worked with verb tenses and compound sentences. The greatest thing about this week and the subject of writing is that he did so without…. wait for it… complaining! That in and of itself is a huge accomplishment.

We totally skipped math this week so we could focus on finishing up reading the Iliad. I love having that freedom.

Last week because I was out of town, Little Man had school with his father and Ms. Joyce. Somehow, Science got left out. I think because the assignments were going to take too long. Nevertheless this week he finished up some of the assignments from last week. Have I said how much I LOVE Apologia Science? He’s studying about Bats, and he has truly loved it. He is constantly quoting facts to me. He’s filling out his journal with little to no complaining. He also will be utilizing Apologia’s online book extra’s. Did I mention how much I LOVE Apologia Science?

That’s really it for this week. We are heading to my parents for the weekend. I’m sure some grandparent time will be much appreciated for both Little Man and mammaw and pappaw.


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