
This Week… Sickness and School

Sickness pervaded our home this week. Little Man got sick over the past weekend. It was NOT a pretty sight. He’s better although it did take him a few days to be back to himself. In the meantime, Beloved came down with something entirely different. He slept for 21 hours on Monday with the exception of bathroom breaks. He was down and out for a good 3 days, not feeling good. I had a couple of days of just that blah feeling. Tired and overall no energy. I seem to also be feeling better after a couple of days.

So with all the sickness, homeschool took a back seat. We did some, but not an over abundance of in class work. Here’s the rundown.


We finished up the plagues. J and I had a pretty good discussion about what the Passover Feast represented. He understood the lamb, and the blood but not so much the passing over that protected the Israelites from the plague of death. He wasn’t quite putting the how and why together. That’s ok. I understand that he will begin to grasp the significance of it as he gets older. For now he has the facts down pat. Understanding and wisdom will come later.


Using the Lapbook I found at Homeschool Share to help him begin to build a visual of what he has learned. He’s having fun with the cutting, pasting, coloring. I’m documenting the unit that we have been in since the start of school. Just gotta get through Pharoah Tutenkhamen and finish up reading The Golden Goblet, but that will take some time.


So this has been an area of contention for Little Man. He is absolutely loving Khan Academy and he is absolutely hating Khan Academy. It is the way it is for him. He loves the challenge of the practice sets. He loves the “medal” awards they give when a skill is mastered. He also wants to perfectly calculate each problem in his head without “scratching” it out. He also want to get every problem right, and if he misses 1 out of 10, considers his brain broken. Perfectionism, is not a trait that I want to encourage. Rather, I want to teach him good coping skills. I want to teach him how to understand that 1 out of 10 for a 9 year old doing 9th grade work is more than “just plain ok” but something that is excellent. He however does not see it that way. So I sigh.


The Golden Goblet: Ranofer wakes after make the decision that he is not a thief. He begins to make friends with Heqet the apprentice and he struggles with the internal struggle of whether or not to tell the goldsmith the truth. Personally I am loving this book and I am quite surprised to see that J is as well.


Finished up Lesson 2 this week and moved on in to lesson 3. This lesson is all about feathers, their structure, how they work, their purpose. These are the types of lessons that Little Man loves because they are filled with charts and facts. He loves absorbing facts. 

Project Feeder Watch: I registered for feeder watch with Cornell University. Waiting for the supply kit to arrive. In the meantime, we are familiarizing our selves with the birds that have been hanging out at our feeder. It’s funny how many times we second guess ourselves when trying to identify birds before making a determination. The minute details on birds are so amazing. God has truly blessed us with these tiny creatures. 

This Weeks Sightings:

The usual round up of House Sparrows, House Finches, Black Capped Chickadee, Carolina Chickadee, and White Breasted Nuthatch.

Additionally seen for the first time; the Red Breasted Nuthatch, 1 Blue Jay and quite surprising to me and to Little Man. 1 female Red Bellied Woodpecker. I wasn’t sure for the longest time but then got a clear sight of her. She is beautiful. In reality this was the first time I had ever seen one, I didn’t know woodpeckers eat at bird feeders. She keeps coming back, I’ve seen her several times in just 3 days. I’ve affectionately named her Henrietta.

Social Time:

Had a field trip to a local library today. We along with about 10 families took a tour of the library where the librarian showed the children how to search for a book or topic using the card catalog computer. So much easier than the days when I was in school and a card catalog was an actual catalog of cards. She read a funny story about a turkey not wanting to be the next thanksgiving dinner. The kids did a turkey craft. It was a really fun field trip. 

I took Little Man with me to the voting booth. I let him push the buttons and then return the vote key card to the election worker and get our “I voted” stickers. I haven’t yet told him that our candidate did not win. I’m still coming to terms with that myself. 

We have some things going on with the congregation this weekend. Tonight was a regional gospel sing. Tomorrow a conference. Little Man will spend the day playing with other kids his age. Beloved is out of town doing some freelance work for which we are extremely thankful. God provides. Which leads me to…

30 Days to Give Thanks: Day 10

Thankful for the freelance positions that my Beloved Man continues to book. The job market is very quiet. The freelance jobs however are regular and steady and is helping to supply our need. God is good to provide. I will trust in my Father God for His mercies are new EVERY morning. 

Lamentations 3:22-24 NKJV

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”

Most Holy and gracious Lord. I thank you for your tender mercies. I thank you for seeing our need and providing in ways that are unexpected but much appreciated. I thank you for knowing long before what our every need is and for gently and lovingly blessing us with them. You O God are my hope and in You alone I place my trust. Without you I am nothing, with you I am the daughter of a The King. Through Christ Jesus I pray.

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This Week @ Great Peace Academy

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

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